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What is the reason for the like poles of a magnet repel? |
A magnet is any object that has a magnetic field. It attracts ferrous objects like pieces of iron, steel, nickel and cobalt. These days magnets are made artificially in various shapes and sizes depending on their use. The compass needle is a tiny magnet which is free to move horizontally on a pivot. One end of the compass needle points in the North direction and the other end points in the South direction. The end of a freely pivoted magnet will always point in the North-South direction. The end that points in the North is called the North Pole of the magnet and the end that points South is called the South Pole of the magnet. It has been proven by experiments that like magnetic poles repel each other whereas unlike poles attract each other. Around a magnet, there exist magnetic lines of force. The lines of force are originating from the North Pole and terminating at the South Pole of the magnet. When two magnets are brought close to each other, the flux lines from both magnets interact. If these flux lines are flowing in the same direction, they will link up and the magnets will attract each other. If they are flowing in opposite directions, they will produce a repulsive force and push away from each other.