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Pl explain Call by Reference

Call by Reference

A reference provides an alias- an alternate name- for the variable. While passing
reference arguments, a reference to the variable in the calling program is passed.

How it is different from call by value?
Write a C function to swap two given
numbers using call by reference mechanism.


When an argument is passed by reference,
the caller actually allows the called
function to modify the original variable's

• Sends the address of a variable to the
called function.

• Use the address operator(&) in the
parameter of the called function.

• Anytime we refer to the parameter,
therefore we actually referring to the
original variable.

• If the data is manipulated and changed
in the called function, the original data
in the function are changed.

/*swap function to interchange values by call by reference*/
void swaping(int *x, int *y);
int main()

int n1,n2;
printf("Enter first number (n1) : ");
printf("Enter second number (n2) : ");
printf("\nBefore swapping values:");
printf("\n\tn1=%d \n\tn2=%d",n1,n2);
printf("\nAfter swapping values:");
printf("\n\tn1=%d \n\tn2=%d",n1,n2);
return 0;
void swaping(int *x, int *y)
int z;

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