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From the following balance sheet of A ltd, make out the cash flow statement on 31.3.2008 liabilities 2007 2008 asset 2007 2008 Equity share capital 250000 280000 Goodwill 60000 42000 12% Debentures 30000 ... Land & build 200000 50000 General resereve 100000 125000 Plant&machnry 150000 315000 profit & loss a/c 40000 67000 investmnts 62000 30000 provision for tax 22000 30000 (long term) creditors 176000 83000 stock 120000 80000 outstanding exps ... 10000 debtors 66000 100000 bank overdraft 70000 40000 prelimny exp 20000 ... 688000 635000 cash 10000 18000

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