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which are the programmes to eradicate poverty?

 The single self-employment programme of Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana 
(SGSY), launched with effect from 1.4.1999, has been conceived keeping in view the 
strengths and weaknesses of the earlier schemes of Integrated Rural Development 
Programme (IRDP) and Allied Programmes along with Million Wells Scheme (MWS).  The objective of restructuring was to make the programme more effective in providing sustainable incomes through micro enterprises. The SGSY lays emphasis on the following: 
•  Focussed approach to poverty alleviation. 
•  Capitalising advantages of group lending. 
•  Overcoming the problems associated with multiplicity of programmes.
The Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY) has been recast as the Jawahar Gram Samridhi 
Yojana (JGSY) with effect from 1.4.1999 to impart a thrust to creation of rural infrastructure.  While the JRY resulted in creation of durable assets, the overriding priority of the programme was the creation of wage employment.  It was felt that a stage had come when rural infrastructure needed to be taken up in a planned manner and given priority.  The Gram Panchayats can effectively determine their infrastructure needs and the responsibility of implementing the programme has been entrusted to the Gram Panchayats.  The funds are directly released to the Gram Panchayats by the DRDAs/Zilla Parishads.  

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