As of 2012, the periodic table contains 118 confirmed chemical elements. Of these elements, 114 have been officially recognized and named by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). A total of 98 of these occur naturally, of which 84 are primordial. The other 14 elements only occur in decay chains of primordial elements.All elements from einsteinium to copernicium, as well as flerovium, and livermorium, while not occurring naturally in the universe, have been officially recognized by the IUPAC as being synthesized, while elements 113, 115, 117 and 118 have reportedly been synthesized in laboratories and are currently known only by their systematic element names, based off their atomic numbers. No element heavier than einsteinium (element 99) has ever been observed in macroscopic quantities in its pure form. No elements past 118 have been synthesized as of 2012.