Call 1800-123-2003
what are the pecularity of p block elements ? |
The elements in which the last electron enters the p-orbitals of their valency shell are called p-block elements .It consist of group 13 to 18 except He .The ground state configuration of the valency shell is ns2 np1 to ns2 np6. Characteristics of p-block elements : (i)The p-block elements include metals ,non metals and metalloids .In a group .the metallic character increases in going from top to the bottom .In a period the metallic character decreases in going from left to right . (ii)The general electronic configuration of p-block elements is ns2 np1-6 (iii) The p-block elements enter into chemical combination by losing ,gaining or sharing the valence electrons .The noble gas elements do not show any reactivity. This is because the outer most shell in these elements are completely filled (ns2 np6) (iv) The p-block elements mostly form covalent compounds .The halogens form ionic compounds with alkali and alkaline earth metals. |