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what is light ? what are the different types of mirror? what is real image ?

Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation (radiant energy) which produces the sensation of vision in us.When light falls on objects,it bounces back and enters our eyes.This produces the sensation of vision and we are able to see the objects around us.
A highly polished surface which is smooth enough to reflect a good fraction of light incident on it is called a mirror.
The commonly used mirrors are of three types : plane mirror,spherical mirror or parabolic mirror,according as the reflecting surface is plane,spherical or paraboloid.
If  a  beam of rays starting from a point source of light,after reflection or refraction,actually converges to a point,then the second point is called the real image of the first.A real image is due to the actual intersection of rays,so it can be obtained on a screen.It is usually inverted.The images formed on a cinema screen are real images. 

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