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CBSE Questions

Total Questions 9982
give reason as to why : seasonal reversal of wind direction takes place over the indian sub continent
give reason as to why : bulk of rain fall in India is concentrated over a few days
the textile industry occupies a unique possition in the indian economy.justify.
classify the industries based on their main role
Describe the factors influencing the location of industry?
How did French make schools an important place for cultural and political battles in Vietnam?
How did Gandhiji transformsd Nationalist movement into amass movement?
what is pollination
What is called Symmetry?
a speech or essay on Neil Armstrong
How to summarise the chapter hydrocarbons and what are the important points to be learnt to score good marks in it?
Some tips writing an essay.
what is GSLV?
what is a globe?
what is a internal process?
why does a policeman cathes thieves
Explain any five features of Dutch scientific forestry,
Why are rights necessary for the sustenance of democracy? Explain with the help of examples from the Indian constitution.
Difference between political and permanent executive. Why does the political executive have the more power than the permanent one?
Mention any three rights which the citizens of India enjoy but the citizens of Saudi Arabia are deprived of it.