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CBSE Questions

Total Questions 9982
why do you think the partition of Bengal is an important event in the history of Indian national movement?
how can we make steam into water when we cannot catch steam?
what is satyagraha?
what is the main part of the computer?
Why today's world is shrinking ?
She finshed her homework. She was tired.Join using conjuctions.
What is the formula to find the volume of cuboid?
Differentiate between embryo and zygote
Define electrolyte, electrode and electrolosis
What is persistence of vision? Explain.
Give reason why parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat and leeward side of the western ghats are droughtprone.
Give reason why the bulk of rainfall in India is concentrated over a few months.
Give reason why the delta region of the eastfern coast is frequently struck by cyclones.
Give reason by Tamilnadu coast receives winter rainfalls
Seasonal reversal of wind direction takes place over the Indian subcontinent. Give reason
Why does the rainfall decrease from the east to the west in northern India?
How do jetstream affect the climate of India?
Which part of India experience the highest durnal range of temperature and why?