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CBSE Questions

Total Questions 9982
Difference between manures and fertilizers.
Give an account of fertilizers?
Why the drip system of irrigation of water is an economical method?
List any two factors in which time and frequency depend?
what is meant by crop rotation?
Name the modern methods of irrigation.
what are the two methods of sowing seeds?
why do farmers celebrate Baisakhi?
what is harvesting?
How does leguminous plants help in maintaining soil fertility?
what is meant by irrigation?
what is meant by manuring?
Can water be Non-renewable resources because people say if we use too much water it will be over.
a student takes about 2 ml ethanoic acid in a dry test tube and adds a pinch of sodium hydrogen carbonate to it.he reports the following observations:a)immediately a colorless and odourless gas evolves with a brisk effervescence.b)gas turns lime water milky when passed through it.c)gas burns with an explosion .d)gas extinguishes the burning splinter that is brought near it. which are the three correct observations?
we need 20% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide for the study of saponification reaction.when we open the lid of the bottle containing solid sodium hydroxide we observe it in which form? a)colorless transparent beads b)small white beads c)white pellets/flakes d)fine white powder
what are the characteristics of the image formed in a plane mirror?
what do you mean by persistence of vision?
If E and F are the two mid-points of the non-parallel sides of a trapezium ABCD respectively,then show that EF=1/2(AB+DC).
A teak wood log is cut first in the form of cuboid of length 2.3 metre,width 75 cm and of certain thickness.It's volume is 1.104 cubic metre.How many rectangular planks of size 2.3 metre,375 cm,34 cm can be cut from the cuboid ?
while studying saponification reaction,a student measures the temperature of the reaction mixture and also find its nature using blue/red litmus paper.on the basis of his observations the correct conclusions would be: a)reaction is exothermic and mixture is acidic b)reaction is endothermic and mixture is acidic c)reaction is endothermic and mixture is basic d)reaction is exothermic and reaction is basic. which type of NaOH is used for Saponification?