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Kerala (English Medium) Questions

Total Questions 4624
what are different type of functions? explain
define a friend function and friend class
what are static members in a class? in which aspect do they differ from normal members?
what are components of a class
what is friend function and its use?
distinguish class and object
what are access label in class
what is nested class
differentiate data hiding and encapsulation
what is difference between structure and class
develope program for th following using classes and objects: define a class student with data member function to:(1)input the values,(2)calculate the total scores and (3)display the information with total score and percentage. create an object and demonstrate these functions.the execution of the programe should be continued as long as the user wants
What is greenhouse?
what is meant by the word adoration
Explain: Oxylophytes Psychrophytes Psammmophytes Chersophytes Cremophytes Psilophytes
What are the roles played by abiotic factors in sustaining life ?
Two cars are adjacent to each other on a four lane highway. The first car accelerates uniformly from rest at 3.0 m/s2 the moment the light changes to green. The second car approached the intersection already moving at 18 m/s and is beside the first car at the instant the light changes. It then continues driving with a constant velocity. Determine the following . When are the two cars side by side again? When do they have the same velocity?
what is a metallic radius?
can u please explain absolute error?
what are penultimate and antipenultimate orbitals?