A Desert is a type of Habitat or Biome characterised mainly by extreme temperatures and extremely low amount of precipitation. Scientifically speaking a Desert is a region which receives rainfall less than 10 inches or 25cm or less in a year. Deserts are one of the Earth’s major types of ecosystems, supporting a community of distinctive plants and animals specially adapted to the harsh environment. About one-third of the Earth's land surface is Desert. Deserts are not only made of sand as commonly believed, they also consist of rocks and mountains. Desert sands are often rock which has weathered down to sand over the centuries. There are many Deserts in the World. The Largest Desert is the Sahara Desert found in North Africa. The largest continuous stretch of sand is called the 'Empty Quarter' which is part of the Arabian Desert that stretches 250,000 sq. miles. Deserts are inhabited by very few Plants and Animals. They are often able to survive by avoiding the driest times and only growing after the rains.
Classification / Types of Deserts
There are almost as many definitions of Deserts and classification systems as there are Deserts in the World. Most classifications rely on some combination of the number of days of rainfall, the total amount of annual rainfall, temperature, humidity, or other factors.
1. Basic or General Desert Classification
2. Peveril Meigs Classification
In 1953, Peveril Meigs divided Desert regions on Earth into 3 Categories according to the amount of precipitation they received.
According to this system
'Arid' and 'Extremely Arid Land' are Deserts, and 'Semi-arid' Grasslands generally are referred to as 'Steppes'.
3. Köppen Climate Classification System
4. Classification according to Geographical Location & Weather Pattern
Deserts are found all over the World. There are Deserts like the Sahara of North Africa and the Deserts of south western U.S-Mexico and Australia that occur at low altitudes and then there are the Cold Deserts that occur in the basin and range area of Utah and Nevada and in parts of western Asia.
Major Deserts of the World
Antarctic Desert (Antarctica) - Area = 13,829,430 km² or 5,339,573 mi².
Arctic Desert - Area = 13,700,000+ or 5,300,000+ mi².
Sahara Desert (Africa) - Area = 9,100,000+ km² or 3,320,000+ mi².
Arabian Desert (Middle East) - Area = 2,330,000 km² or 900,000 mi².
Gobi Desert (Asia) - Area = 1,300,000 km² or 500,000 mi².
Kalahari Desert (Africa) - Area = 900,000 km² or 360,000 mi².
Patagonian Desert (South America) - Area = 670,000 km² or 260,000 mi².
Great Victoria Desert (Australia) - Area = 647,000 km² or 250,000 mi².
Syrian Desert (Middle East) - Area = 520,000 km² or 200,000 mi².
Great Basin Desert (North America) - Area = 492,000 km² or 190,000 mi².
Formation of Deserts
Deserts form under certain geographical conditions.
Primarily there are 3 geographical conditions which can result in a Desert.
1. When an area is not located near a large body of water it may result in Arid or dry region. High atmospheric pressure in the region brings cold, dry air from higher altitudes closer to land. The sun heats the air causing low humidity and high ground temperatures.
2. When an area lies in the interior of a land mass, it may lack moisture leading to a dry conditions. This may happen because of the lack of rain because the moisture in the air has already fallen by the time it reaches the inland of a land causing them to dry up.
3. When mountains prevent rain from reaching an area, making that area dry and eventually into a Desert. If there are two mountain ranges, one to the east and one to the west, they can prevent ocean air from reaching the land. The region between the mountains becomes very dry. Cold deserts such as those in Antarctica are products of the extreme cold climate. Surface water remains frozen and the air is too cold to contain more than minute amounts of moisture.
General Characteristics of Deserts
Extreme Temperatures - Deserts are generally known as 'Areas of Extremes'. The reason being that temperatures in Deserts are either too cold or too hot. Temperatures are high during the day because there is very little moisture in the air to block the Sun's rays from reaching Earth. The arid conditions of the major Desert areas result from their position in subtropical regions to either side of the moist equatorial belt. The high temperature is caused by the intense radiation it receives. The sky is not sheltered by clouds, causing more than 70% of sunlight to penetrate into the ground. Once the Sun goes down, the heat absorbed during the day quickly escapes back into space. Temperatures in excess of 100 degrees fahrenheit during day are not uncommon. But at night, the same Desert experiences a temperatures fall into the 40s or 50s.
Imbalance between Precipitation and Evapotranspiration - A desert is an area where more water is lost through evaporation than is gained from precipitation. Due to the high temperature, the rate of evaporation is fifteen times the amount of rain. Whatever little amount of water it does receive is quickly lost through evaporation. Average annual Precipitation in the world's deserts ranges from about 0.4 to 1 inch (10 to 25 millimetres) in the driest areas to 10 inches (250 millimetres) in Semi arid regions. The little precipitation and rain that falls in deserts is usually erratic and varies from year to year. But when it rains, it comes in high quantities that disappear as quickly as they came. This rain is called 'Intermittent' or 'Episodic Rain'. Such powerful bursts of water can erode the landscape with great force.
Location near the Tropics - Most of the World's Desert ecosystems are located in two belts near the tropics (also called the torrid zone) at 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south of the equator. These areas receive little rainfall because of the downward flow of dry air currents that originate at the equator. As this equatorial air moves north and south, it cools and loses whatever moisture it contains. Once this cool, dry air moves back toward Earth's surface, it is rewarmed, making it even drier. Over the Desert areas, the dry air currents draw moisture away from the land on their journey back toward the equator.
Free Flowing Winds - Winds flow freely unhindered in Deserts because Deserts have few Plants, especially Trees, to stop the air flow and bind the soil to prevent it from erosion. That is why sands and soils are easily blown away in Deserts.
Erosion - In Deserts the wind erodes rocks. This process is known as 'Abrasion' in which sand is carried up and hits against the rocks having a sand-papering effect. Over a period of time, landforms like pillars, rock pedestal and natural arches are formed.
Unique Geographical Features - Deserts have unique physical features which are not found elsewhere.
Unique Plants - Most Desert Plants are drought or salt-tolerant. Some store water in their leaves, roots, and stems. Other Desert Plants have long tap roots that penetrate the water table, anchor the soil, and control erosion. The stems and leaves of some Plants lower the surface velocity of sand-carrying winds and protect the ground from erosion. Cactus is one of the most common Desert Plant which is adapted to Desert life. Most of the Cacti store water in their leaves, stems and roots. They have very few or no leaves and in most Species, the leaves are modified to needles. Apart from Cacti, Deserts also feature Plants from the Pea Family and Sunflower Family. Cold Deserts have Grasses and Shrubs as dominant vegetation.
Some of the Desert Plants
Desert Adapted Animals - Animals that live in the hot Desert have many adaptations. Some animals never drink, but get their water from seeds (some can contain up to 50% water) and plants. Many Animals are nocturnal, sleeping during the hot day and only coming out at night to eat and hunt. Some animals rarely spend any time above ground. Spadefoot toads spend nine months of every year underground. Deserts are home to many Reptiles, Insects, Birds, and small Mammals. The kangaroo mice of North America and the Bilby and Red Kangaroo of Australia are Desert Specialists. The most universal behavioural adaptation used by small Mammals, Reptiles, and Insects to deal with high temperatures is staying in the shadow (shade) of plants or rocks, thus avoiding the direct rays of the Sun. These animals also seek shelter by burrowing into the ground. a burrow, even a few feet underground, can decrease the temperature by several degrees. Another behavioural adaptation used by Desert animals is to remain inactive during the hot daylight hours. They hunt at night when temperatures are cool and when there is less risk of losing precious body water. Animals that use this adaptation are referred to as Nocturnal. Some animals get all of the water they need from the insects, bulbs, and seeds they eat. They will not drink water even when it is available. Some animals have developed salt glands, a physical adaptation that allows the secretion of salt without the loss of water. The absence of sweat glands, and the concentration of urine are other physical adaptations made by Desert animals. Because fat intensifies heat, a unique physical adaptation of some Desert animals is the storage of fat in humps or tails, rather than throughout the entire body. Camel is the best example of such a adaptation. Animals found in Cold Deserts have adopted to the cold environment by having thick fur and fatty layered bodies which protect them from cold and save them during harsh times. Some are even coloured as snow to camouflage themselves from predators and to catch prey as well. Arctic Fox and Polar Bear are examples of such colour adaptations.
Some of the Desert Animals
Origin of Deserts
The present day Deserts are of relatively recent origin as per geological studies. They represent the most extreme result of the progressive cooling and consequent aridification (drying up) of global climates during the Cenozoic Era (65.5 million years ago). It has been suggested that many typical modern desert plant families, particularly those with an Asian centre of diversity such as the chenopod and tamarisk families, first appeared in the Miocene (23 to 5.3 million years ago), evolving in the salty, drying environment of the disappearing Tethys Sea along what is now the Mediterranean–Central Asian axis.
Importance of Deserts
Scientific Study - Deserts are scattered with fossils, human artifacts, ancient rocks and minerals. Because Deserts are dry, they are ideal places for human artifacts and fossils to be preserved. Researchers and scientist can and do study these in understanding the ununderstood. They are open environments wherein the wind and sometimes water interact with arid surface, these phenomena are the basis of geological studies with far reaching implications.
Solar Energy - As Sun is nearest the equator it's heat occurs as well near these. This light can and is being used to produce solar energy and meet energy requirements of a country and save the environment as well. The Negev Desert and the surrounding area, including the Arava Valley, are the sunniest parts of Israel and little of this land is arable, which is why it has become the centre of the Israeli solar industry.
Minerals - Valuable minerals located in arid lands include copper in the United States, Chile, Peru, and Iran; iron and lead-zinc ore in Australia; and gold, silver, and uranium deposits in Australia and the United States. Non-metallic mineral resources and rocks such as beryllium, mica, lithium, clays, pumice, and scoria also occur in arid regions. Sodium carbonate, sulphate, borate, nitrate, lithium, bromine, iodine, calcium, and strontium compounds come from sediments and near-surface brines formed by evaporation of inland bodies of water.
Indicators of Land Degradation - There are certain Deserts which have been recently formed and some have been the result of deforestation and improper land usage. Deserts are constant reminders to humanity that if proper care of environment is not taken, it can lead to Desertification. They also highlight the importance of Afforestation.
Source of Inspiration - Deserts have been sources of inspiration for various writers and artists. Deserts have been portrayed as fascinating environments of adventure and exploration in the form of Narratives like 'Lawrence of Arabia' and it's form in movie as well, along with movie like Dune.
List of Deserts