Thought – 11
v Keep yourself away from temptation.
v To have love for God is to love humanity.
v Teach your children the trade… not the tricks of the trade.
v Sometimes the greatness contribution you can make is to give regard.
v Shape your dreams by your hopes, not by your hurts.
v Pure manners are filled with grace, impure manners are disgraceful.
v Nothing dies faster than a new idea in a closed mind.
v One’s character is not visible in mirror.
v Innovation thrives on encouragement and dies with criticism.
v The big question in life is death-the answer to death is life.
v An idea is an image that paints itself in brain.
v You cannot make a fool of the one who keeps cool.
v Your attitude, almost always determines your altitude in life.
v The one who knows how to adjust is the who knows how to survive.
v The best way to predict the future…. Is to create it.
v One way to guard against the feeling to hate is to give regard.
v Pure love is the basis of eternal relationships.
v To be blind does not mean to be in darkness.