Posted by UTHARA JYOTHISH on Feb. 15, 2014, 8:48 p.m.

                                    Thoughts – 10

v Never hire anyone who will work for money alone.

v The weak and idle mind cannot create powerful thoughts.

v A smile is the universal language which is understood all around the world.

v A generous heart will quickly become a precious heart.

v Manage your times as you manage your money.

v Real temperature control is to extinguish the heat of anger.

v The human mind is like a parachute, it only works when it open.

v The search of SELF requires truth to the self.

v Starve the problems, feed the opportunities.

v There is nothing more nourishing than happiness.

v Remembrances are often life’s lessons that were forgotten.

v Forgive many things in others, nothing in yourself.

v Become righteous and you are free from wrongs.

v At the start your career, what you lean is more important than what you earn.

v Be careful! Your each expression will leave an impression.

v Quality means doing it right the first time.

v Faith in God means no fear.