Posted by UTHARA JYOTHISH on Feb. 15, 2014, 8:48 p.m.

                                                            Thoughts – 9

v If knowledge is wealth, ask yourself; ‘How wealthy am I?.

v Business is like riding a bicycle-either you keep moving or you fall down.

v Jealousy cannot exist if I know that my real quality is to Love.

v If you are not busy meeting competition, you are creating it.

v When you are feeling down, don’t stay there. Do something.

v There should be a positive record of regard to all.

v Happiness is a positive cash flow.

v Single tree makes no forest.

v Seeing in believing.

v Very fortunate is the one who has leaned to admire, but not to envy.

v A wild goose never laid a tame egg.

v The two greatest healers are God and Time.

v Forgive and forgot.

v It does not cost a penny; to speak loveful, true, sweet words.

v Time and tide wait for no man.

v Thinking of evil or being afraid of evil brings evil on one’s head.

v All road lead to Rome.

v It is nice to be important. But it is more important to be nice.

v There cannot be final result until you finish the effort.