We are living in a busy world and constant moving and shifting of location is part of our life. We depend mostly on two wheeler or four wheeler vehicle and it could be hired or self driven. While hiring an auto we are always keen about the cost of the trip and ready to go to the extend of arguing for fare charge. But have we ever be concern about the travel comfort of the trip. If the ride has been over speed or in a hurry to skip traffic signal are we not been culprit as the driver of the autorickshaw. As traffic sign and signals are for the good of public and safety of all vehicle drivers in the road, there should be no effort to over jumb the signal. To follow the traffic rule when the road is empty at early hour or late night hour also shows the high level of morality and discipline of the citizen. We see lot of death causing in our street , every day in newspaper. So a small attention to follow rules could save lifes of not only ours but also others. Feel free to comment.