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v Have equal love for all and experience a life of equanimity.

v There is always a change to change, but do you take the time off to change.

v Peace is so hard to final because it is under your nose.

v To be a child of God means to display His qualities.

v Condition your mind and remain cool under all conditions.

v Do not lose hope in the hopeless…

v Imagination is like a ferocious lion, do not allow it to run wild.


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v Mistakes are caused by lack of attention, then there is tension.

v To be blind does not mean to be in darkness.

v One should be simple, but not stupid.

v The best way to behave when crisis strikes is to be brave.

v When the word becomes like a wild storm-the most beautiful shelter is God.

v When you get angry, you lose more than your temper.

v The best way to get rid of enemies is to make then your friends.

v In all respects keep giving respect.

v To be really independent means not even to learn on excuses.

v You may say you KNOW, but by your actions it is KNOWN.

v Your conscience is good friend, listen to it more often.

v Learning to love yourself frees you from hatred of others.

v When one will not, two cannot quarrel.

v To fulfill God’s desires is to fulfill your own.

v In the long run the most difficult thing is to search for any easy way out.

v Your speciality influences others, so use it the best way you can.

v The lazy man always occupied with his laziness.

v If you see everyone as your brother, it becomes easy to remain loveful.

v You are you, therefore enjoy being your real self.

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                                                            Thought – 11

v Keep yourself away from temptation.

v To have love for God is to love humanity.

v Teach your children the trade… not the tricks of the trade.

v Sometimes the greatness contribution you can make is to give regard.

v Shape your dreams by your hopes, not by your hurts.

v Pure manners are filled with grace, impure manners are disgraceful.

v Nothing dies faster than a new idea in a closed mind.

v One’s character is not visible in mirror.

v Innovation thrives on encouragement and dies with criticism.

v The big question in life is death-the answer to death is life.

v An idea is an image that paints itself in brain.

v You cannot make a fool of the one who keeps cool.

v Your attitude, almost always determines your altitude in life.

v The one who knows how to adjust is the who knows how to survive.

v The best way to predict the future…. Is to create it.

v One way to guard against the feeling to hate is to give regard.

v Pure love is the basis of eternal relationships.

v To be blind does not mean to be in darkness.

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                                    Thoughts – 10

v Never hire anyone who will work for money alone.

v The weak and idle mind cannot create powerful thoughts.

v A smile is the universal language which is understood all around the world.

v A generous heart will quickly become a precious heart.

v Manage your times as you manage your money.

v Real temperature control is to extinguish the heat of anger.

v The human mind is like a parachute, it only works when it open.

v The search of SELF requires truth to the self.

v Starve the problems, feed the opportunities.

v There is nothing more nourishing than happiness.

v Remembrances are often life’s lessons that were forgotten.

v Forgive many things in others, nothing in yourself.

v Become righteous and you are free from wrongs.

v At the start your career, what you lean is more important than what you earn.

v Be careful! Your each expression will leave an impression.

v Quality means doing it right the first time.

v Faith in God means no fear.

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                                                            Thoughts – 9

v If knowledge is wealth, ask yourself; ‘How wealthy am I?.

v Business is like riding a bicycle-either you keep moving or you fall down.

v Jealousy cannot exist if I know that my real quality is to Love.

v If you are not busy meeting competition, you are creating it.

v When you are feeling down, don’t stay there. Do something.

v There should be a positive record of regard to all.

v Happiness is a positive cash flow.

v Single tree makes no forest.

v Seeing in believing.

v Very fortunate is the one who has leaned to admire, but not to envy.

v A wild goose never laid a tame egg.

v The two greatest healers are God and Time.

v Forgive and forgot.

v It does not cost a penny; to speak loveful, true, sweet words.

v Time and tide wait for no man.

v Thinking of evil or being afraid of evil brings evil on one’s head.

v All road lead to Rome.

v It is nice to be important. But it is more important to be nice.

v There cannot be final result until you finish the effort.

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Thoughts – 8

v We all must face problems, but it is how you face them that counts.

v This is a mad world, but it is a good sense to be madly in love with God.

v The secret of happiness is being content with what you have.

v Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.

v The speed of the Boss is the speed of the team.

v Life is like a drama. If I understand the plot, there is great happiness.

v Ego provides the soul with all the ingredients of unpopularity.

v A satisfied customer is best advertisement.

v If there are foul words in your mouth, what must you mind be like?

v The cost is long forgotten, but the quality is remembered forever.

v To have fear means, that I am danger to myself as to others.

v Success has a simple formula. Do you best, and people may like it.

v God makes us fragrant flowers. Am I spending sweetness to all?

v  The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up….

v Cheerfulness is the beauty of the face. He who is sullen is really ugly.

v No tree has never reached the sky.

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                                                            Thoughts – 7

v Woes unit foes.

v Ability is good thing, but stability is even better.

v Adversity is the touchstone of virtue.

v Many a slip between cup and lip.

v Successful action tends to become and end in itself.

v Beware of small expenses; a small leak can sink a big ship.

v Even if you are sick and become a patient, you must never lose patience.

v If you want happiness for a lifetime…. Lean to love what you do.

v If a society loses it morel values, it loses every thing.

v Identify your weak link and act now.

v To have balance in all situations is the key to happiness.

v Where there’s a will theirs is a way.

v Labour is the father of fame.

v If truth and honesty come easy, then love from God also come easily.

v Joy and sorrow next door neighbours.

v The giving of love and mercy to other is also a form of charity.

v If clouds remain in the mind, water will fall from the eyes.

v Think of all beauty still left around you and be happy.

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                                                            Thoughts – 6

v Readers are plentiful; thinkers are rare.

v Good habits result from resisting temptation.

v A resume is a balance sheet without any liabilities.

v Aspire for what you deserve.

v A man is not finished when he is defeated, he is finished when he quits.

v Self help is the best help.

v To fear the death means that you do not understand the importance of life.

v No smoke without fire.

v Every situation in life must be faced, and so why not face it with love.

v Money makes many things.

v Without simplicity, one cannot gain the TRUE affection of other.

v Live and let live.

v Nothing is given for free as advice.

v A young calf knows not fear.

v Too much consulting confounds.

v  A penny saved is a penny gained.

v If the counsel is good, no matter who gave it?

v All men cannot be masters.

v When a thing is done, advice comes too late.

v Work is work ship.

v It never rains but it pours.

v Hear much, speak little.

v Sweet are the uses of adversity.

v Wasted times never return.

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                                                Thoughts - 5

v Nobody can become perfect by merely causing to act.

v Every noble activity make room for itself.

v If you risk nothing, you will risk everything.

v They are able because they thing they are able.

v Sin is never in action, it is always in reaction.

v Behind an able man there are always other able men.

v Temper takes you to trouble, Pride keeps you there.

v Ability is of account without opportunity.

v There are only to forces that lead people, Fear and instinct.

v The free thinking of one age is the common sense of next.

v To handle your self, use your head, to handle others, use your heart.

v Be strong enough to ask help of other.

v If you do anything just for money, you do not succeed.

v We cannot direct the wind… but we can adjust our sails.

v To be successful, the first thing to do is to fall in love with your work.

v Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a permanent attitude.

v Pen is mightier than sword.

v What the heart thinks, the tongue speaks.

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                                                Thoughts - 4

v Out of site, out of mind.

v A noble aim, faithfully kept, is a noble deed.

v One word spoken with love can soothe the sorrowful hearts of many.

v Happiness is a positive cash flow.

v A loveful command does not arouse hostility. It makes the person great.

v If you believe in yourself, nothing should hold you back.

v Mind is everything; we become what we think.

v Ambition has no rest.

v Friends agree best at a distance.

v Success is a journey, not a destination.

v Self-control will give you unlimited control.

v Short acquaintance brings repentance.

v If you have the habit of waiting for others, you will get left behind.

v Have but a few friends, though many acquaintances.

v Self-trust is the first secret of success.

v Action speaks louder than words.

v Success is a measure of happiness.

v Do well and right, and left the whole word sink.

v When you are good to others, you are best to yourself.

v Deliberation is the work of many men, action of one alone.

v The price of greatness is responsibility.

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                                                            Thoughts - 3

v The secret of happiness of and success is to act diligently in the yajna spirit.

v Noble and dynamic work cannot but yield spectacular success.

v A quite mind produces a more brilliant intellect.

v Be like a flower. Give happiness and fragrance to all!

v We may often give without love, but we can never love without giving.

v There is an island of opportunity in the middle of every difficulty.

v Hopes are the tiny seeds from which a beautiful tomorrow grows.

v Service to Humanity is service to Divinity.

v Hands that help are Holier than Lips that prey.

v Make your life a peace of art by living with passion and purpose.

v Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

v To give happiness to other is a great act of Charity.

v The only way to gain respect is, firstly to give it.

v Home is where the heart is.

v A smile can make short work of any difficulty.

v Self confidence is the first request to great undertaking.

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Thoughts - 2

v Bitterness is a root that ruins the garden of peace.

v We are at our best when we serve other.

v Teamwork divides the effort and multiplies the effects.

v A parent’s life is a Child’s guidebook.

v Control your anger, or it will control you.

v Confession is the key that opens the door to forgiveness.

v Cheerfulness is the beauty of the face.

v To bear good fruit, clear out the weeds of sin.

v Courage will follow when faith takes the lead.

v Revenge restrained is a victory gained.

v No one is beyond the reach of God’s grace.

v No one is hopeless whose is in God.

v Nothing touches a Child like a mother’s love.

v Trusting God turns problems into opportunities.

v Obedience is another word for love and loyality.

v A man’s home is the wife’s castle.

v Hope is pleasant acquaintance, but an unsafe friend.

v Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God.

v He deserves paradise who makes his companions laugh.

v Love liberates our mind.

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