Cancer it was....they said so - the doctors. cells are multiplying uncontrollably.It has spread.Started with the skin.It's growing deeper, blood, bones, but not the heart. Of course, not the heart.
Doctors are desperate.She had the will power, but the cells are kind of acting strangely, they aren't working for her.Seems like kinda' synchronisation lost.Nobody would recognise her now - tired, diseases frequent. High temperature too. Fever? Medicines can't cure her.
It's the first time doctors were attending such a case. Those with the determination used to live, but with cells in such a state.....
Her lungs are in such a pathetic state, black with carbon,she didn't smoke,then how?She wasn't doing what her brain told her to.Arteries are getting weaker,blood flow decreased, it's a wonder her heart is still working.Kidneys aren't working,nephrons damaged. Soon bone marrow will be damaged. RBC production will stop. Cells will start dying. Let them.They are making the situation worse.Let them die.
But she mustn't die.She who never hurt a living being, who found joy in helping others, the epitome of nobility, contentment, humility and all the values you could ever think of.She'll live
Then core will give life.The surface will turn green.Water resources , roots of trees will strengthen. It was the core, the core withstood.
Trees will flourish.It'll be green everywhere,fresh air.The rivers will flow swiftly, melodiously. Soil rich and fertile will appear again. water table will rise. She'll once again be young and cheerful.Nobody can murder her.She knows that.She'll start a life anew. SHE WILL LIVE.
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