Put your ideas together. Form a combination of what you think. Try to compose your thoughts and organise them mentally. Imagine and create a sequence of your thoughts. Get used to 'changing and adapting'. Improvisation is a boon. Construct your thoughts according to your situational need.
Attach a tag to what ever you think - 'purpose?'. Find a purpose for each imagination. Purpose has to be built-in, to give birth to something valuable, useful and worthwhile with your thoughts. Define your purposes when you think. Ask questions. Investigate why you're thinking about what you're thinking. Avoid to begin thinking without any purpose.
Categorise your ideas into different sections of the situation. By examining, you're being careful to locate the need of relevance. Discover the contrast. Determine the idea and the connection between ideas. There's no time for inappropriate thoughts.
Proof-read your thoughts. Differentiate between the need and other stand-by elements. Justify your thoughts with accurate information. Be your own critic. Rate yourself with principles or values. Make judgments based on priority and time. Validate your imaginations before you convert it into actions or words.