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What happens when you add Mentos candy to Diet Coke?

Amazing 20 foot geyser!

How does this happen? Carbon dioxide is pumped into soda and it wants OUT, as you can see/hear anytime you open a new bottle of soda -that hissing sound is the CO2 escaping. A piece of Mentos candy has microscopic pits all over it. These are called nucleation sites - places where CO2bubbles can grab onto. A ton of CObubbles will form all over each Mentos candy as they sink to the bottom (we put in 8 candies) . The bubbles seed more bubbles as they rise & soon there is a raging foam in the bottle - pressure builds & the result is a huge geyser! Almost all of the soda comes shooting out of the bottle! I do this every year with my students & I never get tired of the looks on their faces - priceless! I use this experiment to teach the scientific method: making observations, asking questions, making hypotheses, recording data, making conclusions. 
         Using this tube has made it much easier for me to get out of the way before the geyser erupts:

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