Stone fish is the poison fish in the world.The fish's poison is carried in its skin and in sacs attached to razor-sharp spinesalong its back.When attacked or accidently stepped on,the stone fish pushes its spines into the predator and releases poison into the wounds.This usually results in paralysis or death.
Poison dart frogs living in Central and South America are tiny.They range from 1/2 inches(1-5cm ) long at their biggest they are the size of your longest finger.In their glands they hold the most powerful poison of all amphibians. A shot df toxin from a single gold poison frog can kill eight people.
Ambition Is A State Of
Mind .Pearl Bailey said “a man
without ambition is dead”. The word Ambition means a strong desire to do or
achieve something. Ambition is a state of mind which gives us confidence,
vision and courage. Aiming for a big goal for
the sake of making a big change. Mahatma
Gandhi,The father of our nation had an ambition that was one day he would save
India from the british.With ambition we can achieve anything .but
we should hard work. Students in this
century, have different ambitions like becoming a doctor
engineer, a scientist etc. Ambition gives us confidence, vision and courage
also. In every success the first step is to set an ambition.
Ambitious, describe a person who wishes to rise above his or her present positionor condition. The ambitious person wishes to attain worldly success. If we
become a
The first step of success in life is none other than Ambition.