The focus of the WBDD 2014 campaign, marked on 14 June 2014, is “Safe blood for saving mothers”. The goal of the campaign is to increase awareness about why timely access to safe blood and blood products is essential for all countries as part of a comprehensive approach to prevent maternal deaths.
According to the World Health Organization, 800 women die every day from pregnancy and childbirth-related complications. Severe bleeding is the cause of 34% of maternal deaths in Africa, 31% in Asia and 21% in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The global host for the WBDD 2014 event is Sri Lanka. Through its national blood transfusion service, Sri Lanka has been promoting voluntary unpaid donation to increase access to safe and sufficient blood and blood creating awareness among people.
of Computers - 2 go back
is meant by E-commerce ?
E-commerce is the process of
exchanging money for goods and services through internet.
2.What do you understand the term
Telemedicine ?
In the filed of telemedicine
components monitors patient condition in remote locations and give the correct
medical treatment. Telemedicine is implemented with the help of telephone line
and a computer network.
Name two medical imaging techniques ?
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging
and MRS (Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy)
is meant by E-mail ?
In E-mail,it sends messages
electronically which is an important service of the internet.
is meant by animation ?
Animation is the process of recording,manipulating
and displaying video picture.
is the meaning of the word E-governance ?
The use of computers and
communication technology in government activities is called
E-governance.Computers are used by government to collect,process and store vast
amount of information.
the importance of ATM .
Automated Teller Machine(ATM)
facility is the automatic cash dispensing mechanism during the 24 hours in
order to make it easier for customer to deal with banks.
What is meant by ‘Payroll’ ?
It is the process of calculating and
recording the wages or salaries of employees in a firm using software packages.
Many software companies have came out with efficient packages. A salary slip is
also printed as output.
How computers can be used for entertainments? Explain.
Computers contribute various for
children in the form of computer games, interactive videos, video games.
Computers are also used in music composing, film making and animations in
cartoon films. Video pictures are created by recording, manipulating and
displaying moving pictures, and it is presented through television.
How can we use computers in the field of Communication?
Computer networks provide a powerful
means of communication. They offer a number of on - line service by accessing
remote information through sharing of data bases. Computerized telephone
exchanges can handle a large volume of calls. Internet is the largest computer
network in the world. The internet offers a variety of services by which people
can communicate with each other. E - mail is an important service offered by
the internet.
Computers play a vital role to identify criminals. Justify this statement with
suitable area of communication.
Forensic is the area which helps to
identify the criminal with the help of evidence from crime site such as blood,
skin or hair samples. Face Recognition software search for facial features.
finger print recognition helps to verifying the finger print structure for
identifying the person. Signature verification is the process used to recognize
a person's hand-written signature.
"Computers are indispensable parts of human life". Justify this
statement with at least five suitable areas of applications.
Banking System: Various branches are equipped with terminals, giving them online
accounting facility and enabling them to interrogate the central system for
information such as current balances, deposits, overdrafts, interest charges,
shares and trustee records.
Insurance and Stock market: Insurance companies, financial institutions, stock
exchanges and stock broking firms also make use of computers.
E-commerce: E-commerce, therefore is doing commerce using electronic
technology ( Internet, Intranet or extranet). Electronic commerce follows
several methods of connecting buyers and sellers including advertising, product
demonstrations, catalogs and directories.
Medicine and Health care: In the field of medicine computers are used
for various ranges of activities such as diagnosing illness, monitoring
patients during surgery etc.
Science,Research & Engineering : Computer are now a standard feature of life in universities
and laboratories.
Explain the applications of computers in entertainment and education:
Computer education forms a part of
the school and college curricula, as it is important for every individual
today, to have the basic knowledge of computers. the advantages of computers in
education include an efficient storage and rendition of information, quick
information processing and very importantly the saving of paper. Computers
contribution various means of entertainment for children in the form of
computer games, interactive videos, video games. computes are also used in
music composing, film making and animations in cartoon films.
Compare the terms "Edutainment" and "Infotainment".
Edutainment ( also Info - tainment
or entertainment - education) is a form of entertainment designed to educate as
well as to amuse. Modern forms include television productions, film, museum
exhibits, and computer software which use entertainment to attract and maintain
an audience, while incorporating deliberate educational content or messages.
Briefly explain the application of computers in material production.
In the field of manufacturing,
computers are being widely used for better usage of resources and quality
improvement. The production activities like planning, scheduling, resource
procurement, job scheduling etc can be done with help of computer software.
This helps to optimise the production process and thereby improving quality and
minimizing cost. Computerized management also help to finish the production
activities in a stipulated time. The whole production activities can be called
as CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing). Difficult works like precision welding,
soldering, drilling etc can be assigned to computer controlled robots.
Computerized process can also be implemented in sales forecast, quality
testing, record keeping etc.
explain the application of computers in defence.
Computers are used for the first time
in the defence field. Its applications are widely spread from airplanes to
• Controlling the missiles
• Used in Radar systems
• Used in air crew training
• used in Auto - pilot planes
• used in military networks like Millet
• Used in various weapon control
do you mean by Medical imaging? Write the advantages.
The view of the anatomical structure
of human body can be taken using various techniques in Medical imaging like X-
Ray, CT – Scan, MRI, ESI, MSI etc. All these systems make use of powerful
computers, printers, scanners etc. Medical imaging always provide great help to
the doctors.
the application of computers in the field of medicine and health care:
In the field of medicine computers
are used for various ranges of activities such as diagnosing illness,
monitoring patients during surgery etc. With a tele medicine device installed
at home, a nurse can complete an examination without person ever having to go
out. Various medical imaging techniques are X – Ray Projection Imaging, X-Ray
Computed Tomography (CT), magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS), Ultrasonic, Electrical Source Imaging (ESI),
Electrical Impedance Tomography (EFT), Magnetic Source Imaging (MSI), and
Medical Optical Imaging. The computer system can act as a vast encyclopedia of
medical knowledge providing the doctor a quantity of information which is not
possible to accommodate in his memory.
Computers are now a day used widely in the field of law enforcement” Justify
this statement.
The legal profession make use of the
strengths of computers in Forensics, Face recognition, Finger print
recognition, Signature pattern recognition, Voice authentication, DNA finger
printing etc.
can we use computers in Business?
In the business field the use of
computers is very vast. E – commerce is doing commerce using electronic
technology in the exchange of money for goods or services between companies or
between a company and end user. Electronic commerce follows several methods of
connecting buyers and sellers including advertising, product demonstrations,
catalogs and directories. B2C is the commerce taking place between business to
end user or customer. B2B is the commerce taking place between businesses.
is an effective tool in educational research. Justify your answer.
We can use software for conducting
software projects and research. Large software projects have become feasible
for medium as well as large software institutions. Because of the falling cost
of computer hardware, software industry is expanding the areas of specialized
applications. Computes also process information, related from vehicles.
Computer networks help to collect a variety of information from the satellites in
the orbit.
plans to develop a new aircraft for Indian Air Force. Which computer software
can be used for his purpose? Justify.
Today computers on – board ships,
submarines and air planes are linked to land based control facilities fro
coordinating military operations. The full mission trainer software is software
which can be used to develop a new aircraft. It will consist of a fully
populated cockpit on a fixed base that is integrated with a high resolution
image system with visual system display.
Explain any 3 modern methods in communication.
Computerized telephone exchanges: It can handle a large volume of calls. The performance of
the system is comparatively fast with low error rates. These exchanges can be
linked to other networks/ exchanges for the wider use.
The Internet: Internet is the largest computer network in the world and
offers a variety of services by which people can communicate with each other.
E – mail: An electronic mail system is a method of electronically
sending messages, mail or documents. It is also known as electronic delivery
system or electronic document distribution/communication.
have a key role in the field of entertainment ".Justify the statement .
In the field of entertainment the
following points are important.
Animation : creating moving effect
by displaying series of stills.
Games : Many types of computer /
video games are popular.They make use of animated graphics,multimedia,3 D
effects etc.
In the film industry strength of
computer graphics and animation are widely used films like Jurassic park,king
kong,Anaconda are examples.
In the field of video editing
software packages are used for rearranging and adding special effects.