Correlation between two or more variables can be:
Positive correlation
Negative correlation
Linear correlation
The most commonly used measure of position is
Standard deviation
Quartile deviation
Semi- inter quartile range is also known as:
Mean deviation
Quartile range
Write the false statement:
Range is the easiest and simplest measure because it is the difference between two extreme items.
Quartile deviation is superior to the range as it is not affected too much by the value of extreme items.
Range and quartile deviation are based on all the items of series.
Range and quartile deviation are useful for general study of variability.
The range of simple correlation coefficient is:
Minus infinity to infinity
0 to infinity
Minus one to plus one
0 to hundred
The average is reliable only when the set of data is
Discrete data
Raw data
Q1 represents:
Lower quartile
First quartile
Both (a) and (b)
Neither (a) or (b)
Highest frequency value of a series is known as
______________ is not independent of scale.
Which is not a merit of arithmetic mean ?
It is simpler to understand and easy to calculate
It is affected by extreme items
It is good base for comparison
It is a calculate value