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Identify the demerits of perpetual inventory system from the following
It is a regular work expert can be appointed
It ensures a moral influence on the stores staff
Discrepancies are detected easily and quickly
It is an expensive affair
Which one is belongs to the bin card?
Postings are made before the transaction
Postings are made after the transaction
Entries are made periodically
It is kept in the cost office.
Identify the merits of perpetual inventory system
It is an expensive affair
It is suitable to bigger firms
Stock figure are not reliable
It facilitates the preparation of final accounts, even at short notice.
Which one of them is belongs to the bin card?
It gives physical information only
Postings are made after the transaction
Entries are made periodically
It is kept in the cost office
Which one of the following is belongs to the periodic inventory system?
It is based on physical stock taking
It is based on records
It provides the data on continuous basis
It provides basis for control
Identify the perpetual inventory system
It is expensive. it is adopted by big concerns only
It is simple and economical method and can be adopted in small concern
It is based on physical stock taking
It provides data once in a year
Identify the perpetual inventory system from the following
It is based on physical stock taking
It provides a data once in a year
It does not provide basis for control
It is based on records
Identify the merits of perpetual inventory system:
It enables the store keeper to maintain stock with in limits
It is an expensive affair
It is suitable to bigger firms
Stock figure are not reliable
Identify the demerits of periodic inventory system
It is lacks the element of surprise check
It is a cheaper method as permanent stock taking team is not required
It is suitable to small firms
Irregularities in stores are exposed
The ledger which is maintained in stores of manufacturing organization mainly to record the inflow and outflow of material is known as ____________
Bin card
Purchase order
Stores ledger
Requisition note
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