The earth is divided into several ___________.
Heat zones
Torrid zones
Temperate zone
Frigid zone
____________ is very important to have a system of a single world time as a reference point for world events.
Greenwich Mean Time
Standard time
International Date Line
None of these
Lines of latitude are ___________.
Straight line
Vertical line
Imaginary line
_________ is the highest position of the sun.
The equator is the imaginary line that is at an equal distance from the ____________.
North pole and the West pole
South pole and the East pole
North pole and the South pole
West pole and the East pole
The distance between two latitude is approximately _____________.
121 km
110 km
131 km
111 km
The ___________ are also useful for designating time zones.
___________ is known as standard meridian of India.
Indian standard time
Greenwich Mean time
The uniform based on a central meridian is known as the ____________.
Local time
Greenwich time
The local time of a particular meridian is called its ____________.