Resources used carefully and giving them time to get renewed are called:
resource depletion
resource conservation
resource pollution
resource exploitation
Which is NOT an example of natural resources?
Resources which are found everywhere are termed as
potential resources
natural resources
actual resources
ubiquitous resources
Resources are distributed unequally over the earth because of:
the different natural conditions
level of development
technological levels
all of these
Which one of the following is the ultimate resource?
Human resources
Actual resources
Potential resources
Financial resources
Technology is an example of:
human made resources
both (a) and (b)
human resource
What is meant by recycling of metals?
Taking the cycle from one place to another
Using the discarded metal once again
Mixing the discarded metal with paper
Washing the metal and polishing them
Coal is an example of:
renewable resources
non-renewable resources
resources pollution
Which one of the following makes substance a resource?
Place of availability of that resource
Price of the resource
Economic development refers to:
change in the rate of population growth
change in the natural resources
change in the amount, composition, rate of growth, distribution and consumption of natural resources
economic depression