If two statements are combined by the word " and". the resulting statement is called__________
None of these
Write the inverse of the converse of P q.
P q
~ P ~ q
q p
Let P be " Ananya is neutiful", and q be " Ananya is 165 cms tall" under what conditions is the statement, " Ananya is beautiful and 165 cms tall". true?
If Ananya is not beautiful and/or not 165 cm tall.
Only if Ananya is neither beautiful nor 165 cm tall.
Only if Ananya is both beautiful and 165 cm tall
If Ananya is beutiful and/or not 165 cm tall.
Let P be " Shruti can type", and let q be " Shruti takes short hand". Write the statement ' Shruti can never type nor take short hand' in symbolic form.
pV q
~ P Λ ~q
Write the contrapositive of the inverse of P q
Identify the quantifier in the statement " There exists a capital city for every state of India"
There exists
For every
Both a and b
Write the converse of the statement " If you drink milk, you will be strong".
If you are strong, then you drink your milk
If you do not drink your milk, then you are not strong
If you are not strong, then you do not drink your milk.
If you are strong, then You do not drink your milk
For any statements, P and q,
P q =
p V q
- p V - q
- p V q
p V - q
A ______ is a sentence which is either true or false, but not both.
Converse statement
inverse statement
Let P be " Ananya is neutiful", and q be " Ananya is 165 cms tall" under what conditions is the statement, " Ananya is beautiful or 165 cms tall". false?
If Ananya is not beautiful and / or not 165 tall
Only if Ananya is neither beutigul not 165 cm tall
Only if Ananya is both beutiful and 165 cm tall
If Ananya is beutiful and /or not 165 cm tall.