Which one is selected to insert a column after right clicking the mouse?
Insert columns
Insert rows
Insert table
Insert indent
What is called for the vertical lines of cells?
None of these
Which one have to click in a box over the top left hand corner of the table to select the entire table?
Two pointed arrow
Three pointed arrow
Four pointed arrow
All the above
Which option is used for the alignment of the table in relation to the text of the document?
Cell margins
Text Wrapping
In which option does the various patterns of numbers are shown?
Borders and shading
Bullets and Numbering
Merge cells
Which among the following makes the data look simple and are used in the design of calendars, report cards and school time tables?
Which key is used to hold down to start a new line without adding another bullet or number?
Shift and Ctrl
Shift and Enter
Tab and Enter
In which menu does the table option is present?
File menu
Edit menu
Table menu
View menu
Which feature is used to insert the ready - made table format?
AutoFormat Feature
Merge Cells
Split Cells
Both b & c
Which one have to click for changing the column widths and row heights or drag them with mouse?
Cell multipliers
Cell duplicators
Cell dividers
Open box handle