Which of the following is considered a racial group?
Mexican Americans
Jewish Americans
African Americans
All the above
Which equation can be used to represent pluralism?
A + B + C = A
A + B + C = A + B + C
A + B + C = D
A + B + C = A + B + D
Which sociological perspective views race from the macro level and sees the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups?
functionalist perspective
conflict perspective
interactionist perspective
labeling theory
Which Black person wrote the acclaimed novel Invisible Man?
Malcolm X
James Baldwin
Alice Walker
Ralph Ellison
Which equation can be used to represent amalgamation?
The "model minority" stereotype of Asian Americans contains an implicit critique of Blacks, Hispanics, and others for failing to succeed as well as the model minority has. Which sociological perspective would view this as yet another instance of "blaming the victim"?
dramaturgical approach
Which country has the world's largest concentration of Jews?
The United States
A Hispanic woman and a Jewish man, working together as computer programmers for an electronics firm, overcome their initial prejudices and come to appreciate each other's strengths and talents. This is an example of:
the contact hypothesis
a self-fulfilling prophecy
reverse discrimination
A child who is repeatedly criticized as being lazy and lacking intelligence eventually accepts these criticisms and uses them to justify poor performance in school. This is an example of:
Approximately 2 million Native Americans represent a diverse array of cultures distinguishable by:
family organization
all of the above