___________ range from a point at each pole to the circumstances of the globe at the equator.
Parallels of latitude
Global property
Meridians of longitude
None of these
A globe or spherical surface has the property of ___________.
Perspective projections
Mathematical projection
Non-developable surface
Developable surface
A ___________ is one, which is drawn by protecting the image of the graticule of a globe on a developable cone.
Conical projection
Zenithal projection
Cylindrical projection
Conventional projection
In ____________, when the cone is cut open, a projection is obtained on a flat sheet.
A ___________ is the best model of the Earth.
A long narrow strip of land running parallel to the standard parallel and having east - west stretch is correctly shown on ______________.
__________ lies wholly in its plane, but all intersect a right angle along the axis of the globe.
Map projection
A ___________ is one, which cannot be flattened without shrinking, breaking or creasing.
Non-perspective projections
___________ are more suitable for a world map and widely used in preparing atlas maps.
Mercator's projection
Cylindrical equal area projection
_____________ is the method of transferring the graticule of longitude and latitude on a plane surface.
Map generalisation
Map design
Map construction