A train is travelling on a curve of 500 mt radius at the rate of 66 k ph. Through what angle will it turn in 20 seconds ?
In a circle of diameter 40cm the length of a chord is 20 cm. The length of the minor arc of the chord is
20 π cm
20/3 π cm
3/2 π cm
2/3 cm
Find in radians the angle of a regular octagon.
4/3 π radian
3/4 π radian
2/3 π radian
3 π radian
The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock at 10.40 pm is
The radian measure of 240o is
(4π) c
In which quadrant 45o lies ?
If the arc of the same length in two circles subtend angles 75o and 120o at the centre, then the ratio of their radii is
5 : 8
4 : 5
8 : 5
3 : 5
In a circle of diameter 40 cm, the length of a chord is 20 cm. The length of the minor arc of the chord is
20 1/21 cm
20 20/21 cm
20 3/5 cm
21 20/21 cm
The angle in radian through which a pendulum swings and its length is 75 cm and the tip describes an arc of length 21 cm is
7/25 radians
25/7 radians
7/23 radians
25 radians
The circular system of 104o 36’ is
900 π radians
900/523 π radians
523/900 π radians