Choose the apt phrase:Do something remarkable
Set the Thames on rain
Set the Thames on ice
Set the Thames on fire
Sit the Thames on fire
Choose the apt phrase: In a difficult position.
Silly corner
Loose corner
Tight corner
Fake corner
Choose the apt phrase: Without a date fixed
Dies non
Sine die
Sine dye
Signe die
Choose the apt phrase: Profession,Occupation.
Run of life
Stand of life
Walk of life
Sit of life
Choose the apt phrase: Engage a thief to get another
Set a thief to catch a police
Set a police to catch a thief
Set a police to catch a police
Set a thief to catch a thief
Choose the apt phrase.: Revenge.
Tat for tat
Tat for tit
Tit for tit
Tit for Tat
Choose the apt phrase:: Secret enemy
Rat in the grass
Cat in the grass
Tiger in the grass
Snake in the grass
Choose the apt phrase:Suspect that something wrong is being done.
Smell a rat
Smell a dog
Smell a cat
Smell a cow
Choose the apt phrase: Unharmed
Skot free
Scotch free
Scot free
Scote free
Choose the apt phrase:Thinking or believing that something is true because one wishes it were true.
Narrow thinking
Lustful thinking
Wishful thinking
Shallow thinking