The value of correlation coefficient is always:
More than zero
Between +1 and -1
Less than +1
Less than -1
If rxy = 0, then:
X increases with increase in Y
X increases with decrease in Y
X does not change with change in Y
Y does not change with change in X
The range of simple correlation coefficient is:
0 to infinity
Minus one to plus one
Minus infinity to infinity
0 to one
When there is perfect positive correlation then the related line is:
Upward rising
Sloping downward light wards.
Parallel st.line to X axis
Parallel st.line to Y axis
The following scatter diagram shows that:
Correlation is perfect negative
Correlation is perfect positive
Correlation is low positive
Correlation is low negative
The symbolic word for correlation coefficient is:
0 to hundred
Linear correlation means that the correlation between two variables is:
Perfectly positive
Perfectly Negative
Positive or Negative relation and the degree of relationship between two variables is equal at different levels.
Correlation is zero
The other name of rank correlation is:
Karl Pearson's correlation coefficient
Scatter diagram
Liner relation
Spearman's correlation coefficient
Which is the example of negative correlation?
Age of husband and age of wife
Increase in cost of advertisement and increase in sales
Demand of a commodity may go down as a result of rise in prices
Price of commodity and amount of supply