Q1 represents:
Lower quartile
First quartile
Both (a) and (b)
Neither (a) or (b)
_________ and______ are based upon deviation of values from the average.
M.D and S.D
Range and Q.D
S.D and Q.D
M D and QD
Q3 can be calculated from:
Semi- inter quartile range is also known as:
Mean deviation
Standard deviation
Quartile deviation
Quartile range
is used to calculate:
Co-efficient of quartile deviation is calculated by applying following formula:
Q3 - Q1
M.D. represents:
Median deviation
Marginal deviation
Co-efficient of variation is located by applying following formula:
cf is used for:
Common factor
Cumulative frequency
Common value
None of above
Mean deviation can be calculated with the help of following formula: