The inverse of is.
Does not exit
If the equati on - 2x + y + z = l, x - 2 y + 2 = m, x + y - 2z = n such that l + m + n = 0, then the system has.
a non zero unique solution
trivial solution
infinitely many solution
no solution
The inverse of is
Does not exist
The system of equations zx + y + z = 0; x + by + z = 0; x + y + cz = 0 has non- trivial solution, then
If A is a square matrix, then
A + AT is symmetric
AAT is skew - symmetric
AT + A is skew - symmetric
AT A is skew symmetric
Then sum of the products of the elements of any row of a determinant A with the co-factors of the corresponding elements is equal to
1/2 [A]
If A and B are square matrices of the same order such that (A+B) (A-B) = A2 - B2, then (ABA-1)2 is equal to
, then A3 - 4A2 + 3 A + I =
3 I
Where x, y, z are positive.
log y x
log z y
log x z
, then the value of x, y and z are respectively
1, -2,3
0, -3, 3
-11, 8, 3