What does Celia promise Rosalind will happen when her father, Duke Frederick, dies ?
Rosalind's father's fortune will be restored.
Rosalind and Orlando will be allowed to marry .
She will share her inheritance with Rosalind.
Rosalind will be send to the country to live with her father
Where do Rosalind and Celia plan to go ?
Forest of Arden.
Kingdom of Andrew.
Kingdom of Arden.
Forest of Andrew.
Whom does Oliver financially support instead of supporting Orlando ?
What were Sir Rowland and Duke Fredrick , when Sir Rowland was alive ?
What does Duke Frederick order Rosalind to do when he finds the girl in Act 1, Scene 3 ?
Find her father and bring him back.
Orders her out of the city.
Bow to himself and Celia.
Work as a servant .
What does Le Beau tell Orlando about Duke Frederick's feelings toward his niece, Rosalind ?
That they are changing.
That Rosalind reciprocates.
That he shares them for Orlando.
That they cannot be broken.
What does Rosalind point out to Celia to make her understand why she feels the way she does about Orlando ?
He beat Charles in the match.
She has never loved before .
Her father loved his father.
He will help her to plot against Duke Frederick.
Who is Orlando talking to in the orchard at the opening of the play, As You Like It ?
His father.
What does Charles come to court to warn Oliver about ?
That the peasants are revolting.
That Orlando will wrestle him .
That he will be bankrupt .
That Orlando will kill him .
What does Rosalind give Orlando ?
Her necklace.
A dirty look.
A love letter.
A slap in the face.