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1. What is database?

A database is a collection of related data from which is users can efficiently retrieve the desired can be anything from a simple collection of roll numbers ,names addresses and phone numbers of students to a complex maze of interrelated facts and text .

2. What is data inconsistency and redundancy ?

Data redundancy :Redundancy implies duplication ( or repetition) of the same data in different files .For example in the traditional record keeping system ,the administration department of a school maintains the contact details including the addresses of the students in a file in addition their addresses  are stored with the result in a separate file .This leads to redundant storage of the address.The database management systems ,on the other hand maintain all the data in a single repository ( Centralised location ) .

Data inconsistency : When there are two files containing the same data and one file is updated while the other files contains the old data,it leads to inconsistency of data.For example ,the address of a student is changed.The required change is made in the records maintained by the administration department but not in the file storing the results,now,there exist two different addresses of the same student in two different files,which lead to inconsistent data.By storing the data in a single place ,database management systems avoid data inconsistency.  

3. What is DBMS and RDBMS?

A Database Management System (DBMS) is a software package that facilitates that the creation,maintenance and use of a computerised database.Some of the commonly used DBMS are Microsoft Access ,Oracle,DB2 and FoxPro .

The DBMS design based on a relational database model is known as the Relational database Management System (RDBMS) .

4. What is a primary key? Write the steps to set the primary key in a table.

A primary key is a field that has a unique value for all records in the table.A primary key value cannot be NULL ,which implies that a field which is a primary key,must have some data

  1. Open the table in the Design view.

  2. Select the field Roll Number.To select ,press Shift + Spacebar  or click the area to the left of the field name when the mouse pointer changes to an arrow. 

  3. Click the Edit menu and then click Primary Key,or right click the selected field and click Primary Key on the shortcut menu that appears.This displays a key symbol adjacent to the field   name .

5. Briefly explain these data types.


It is the default data type and can contain any combination of letters , numbers ,special characters ( like @,! and %) and spaces.This data type can have up to 255 characters .


It is similar to the Number data type and can be used in calculations.This data type automatically displays a dollar sign and thousand separators (commas) .Negative numbers are displayed in parentheses .Note that this field is widely used as it is faster in calculations than the number data type.  

Date / Time

It is used to specify the date and time in a table.Note that only the valid dates and times are allowed .For example ,if you enter 31 st April,Microsoft Access displays a message of invalid date.This data type is used to perform calculations based on dates and times .

Lookup Wizard

It creates a list of selected values from the table or a list of values provided by the user .This field saves the data entry time in the table .

6. Differentiate Auto number data type from Number data type

It automatically generates a number ( starting from 1) and assigns it to each record in the database.Note that you cannot manually enter a value into this type of field or change the number once Access assigns it. This data type can be used when you want a unique identification number for every record .

7. What is Input Mask ?

An input mask is the format we will assign for the introduction of values into a field.This property specifies a particular  pattern while entering the data in the field.For this ,it uses different characters like '-' or '/'.Input Mask is applicable to the Text,Number,Currency and Date/Time data types.

Special characters      Description
0 represent a required digit from 0 to 9 -no '+' or '-' sign is allowed

represent an optional digit or space-no '+' or '-' sign is allowed

# represent an optional digit -'+' or '-' sign allowed
L represent a required letter from A to Z
? represent an optional letter from A to Z or space
A represent a required letter or digit
a represent an optional digit or letter
& represent any character or space
C represent an optional character or space
> forces the following characters to be converted to uppercase
< forces the following characters to be converted to lowercase
! causes the following characters to be displayed right to left rather than  left to right
/ represents that  the text next character to be displayed is a  constant
Password creates a text box for the password and displays any character  typed in the text box as a '*' symbol

8. Write a short note on Validation Rule and Validation Text  properties.

♦  Validation Rule

A validation rule limits or controls what users can enter in a table field or a control (such as a text box) on a form. This property defines a 'check'(validation) before entering  the data in the table.This process of setting a limit while entering data is known as data validation. It enables the user to enter data according to the specified checks.Validation Rule can be set in the database according to the requirement.

♦  Validation Text

This property specifies the message that is to be displayed when the data entered violates the given condition in Validation Rule.The text entered in this property is displayed as a message.

9.What is database? What is its significance?

A database is collection of logically related data.
The database systems store data centrally at one place where from all applications can get the data required. The centralized  storage facilitates many advantages like:
(i) Controlled Redundancy       (ii)Data Sharing        (iii) Controlled Data Inconsistency  

(iv) Standardization                 (v) Enhanced Data Security

10.Write a short note on MS-Access's functioning.

MS-Access is a popular database management system.  It offers many features to manage databases.  With Access, one can manage all information from a single database file within the file,
       ♣   one can divide one's data into separate storage containers called Tables.
       ♣   one can view, add and update table data using Forms
       ♣   one can find and retrieve just the data, which  is required using Queries
       ♣   one can analyze or print data in a specific layout using Reports.

11.What do you understand by tables in a database management system?

In a database management system, various types of objects together manage and maintain the system.  Tables are one of them.
A table is a storage container that stores data pertaining to single object, subject or purpose.  For example, an employee table may contain all information pertaining to an employee. eg. employee n, employee name, designation department, grade, basic etc.  Similarly, Attendance table may contain data pertaining to the attendance of employees eg. employees no, months years, no of days worked, number of leaves takens, CL, LWP, PL etc. (CL - Casual Leaves, LWP - Leaves Without Pay, PL - Privilege Leaves)
Both these tables reside in single database as both of them are related to single object called employee.  Two tables are maintained to minimize redundancy.
Therefore, tables provide a way to store related data together under one roof, taking care of things like reduced redundancy, standardization and data integrity

12. What different data types (field types) are available in MS-Access ? Also mention their maximum sizes.

Microsoft Access comes equipped with many field datatypes, which are being summarized below:

13.Discuss various types of numeric fields that you can have in MS-Access.  Which field type is the default numeric field type?

In MS- Access, we can have following types of Numeric fields:
(i) Byte.  It stores numbers from 0 to 255 (No fraction).  It occupies 1 byte.
(ii) Integers.  It stores numbers from -32768 to 32767 (No fractions). It occupies 2 bytes.
(iii) Long Integer.  It stores integers in the range -2,14,74,83,648 to  2,14,74,83,647. It occupies 4 bytes.
(iv) Single.  It stores numbers with six digits of precision, from -3.402823E38 to 3.402823E38.  It occupies 4 bytes.
(v) Double. It stores numbers with 10 digit of precision from -1.797693134862325E308 to 1.79769313486232E308.  It occupies 8 bytes.
Double is the default numeric data type in MS-Access.

14.When should you use Currency data type in MS-Access?

The currency data type should be used to prevent rounding off during calculations.  It is accurate to 15 digits to the right.

15.What do you understand by default value?

The default value is automatically entered in a field or control when a new record is created.  For example, in Student table, you might set the default value for House as "Tagore House".  When users add records to the table, they can either accept this value or enter the name of a different house

16.What do you understand by Data Inconsistency?

Data inconsistency exists when different and conflicting versions of the same data appear in different places. Data inconsistency creates unreliable information, because it will be difficult to determine which version of the information is correct. 

Data inconsistency is likely to occur when there is data redundancy. Data redundancy occurs when the data file/database file contains redundant - unnecessarily duplicated - data. That's why one major goal of good database design is to eliminate data redundancy.

17.Define Database

DATABASE refers to the collection of interrelated data and Database Management System (DBMS) is a computer program that managers a database effectively and efficiently.

18.How to works a Database?

A database management system (DBMS) is a system that allows to build and maintain databases, as well as to utilize their data and retrieve information from it. A DBMS defines the database type that it supports, as well as its functionality and operational capabilities. A DBMS provides the internal processes for external applications built on them. The end-users of some such specific application are usually exposed only to that application and do not directly interact with the DBMS. Thus end-users enjoy the effects of the underlying DBMS, but its internals are completely invisible to end-users. Database designers and database administrators interact with the DBMS through dedicated interfaces to build and maintain the applications' databases, and thus need some more knowledge and understanding about how DBMSs operate and the DBMSs' external interfaces and tuning parameters.

DBMS architecture specifies its components (including descriptions of their functions) and their interfaces. DBMS architecture is distinct from database architecture. The following are major DBMS components:

DBMS external interfaces - They are the means to communicate with the DBMS (both ways, to and from the DBMS) to perform all the operations needed for the DBMS. These can be operations on a database, or operations to operate and manage the DBMS. For example:

  •   Direct database operations: defining data types, assigning security levels, updating data, querying the database, etc.
  •  Operations related to DBMS operation and management: backup and restore, database recovery, security monitoring, database storage allocation and database layout configuration monitoring,  performance monitoring and tuning, etc.

An external interface can be either a user interface (example., typically for a database administrator), or an application programming interface (API) used for communication between an application program and the DBMS.

19.What are the Advantages of Databases ?

1.Databases reduce the data redundancy to a large extent
Data redundancy means duplication of data.  Non-database systems maintain separate copy of data for each application.  For example, in a college student records are maintained. And the hostel also maintains records of all those college students who live in hostel 
2.Database can control data inconsistency to a large extent
This is really a corollary of the previous point.  When the redundancy is not controlled, there may be occasions on which the two entries about the same data do not agree (that is, when one of them stores the updated information and the other does not).
By controlling redundancy, the inconsistency is also controlled.  Even if there is some redundancy retained in the database due to some technical reasons, the database management system ensures that any change made to either of the two entries is automatically made to the other.  This process is known as propagating updates.
3.Databases facilitate sharing of data
Sharing of data means that individual pieces of data in the database may be shared among several different users, in the sense that each of those users may have access to the same piece of data and each of them may use it for different purposes.
4.Databases enforce standards
The database management systems can ensure that all the data (that is stored centrally) follow the applicable standards.  There may be certain standards laid by the company or organization using database.
5.Databases can ensure data security
The information stored inside a database is sometimes of great value to a corporation.  Therefore, it must be kept secure and private.
A database management system ensures data security and privacy by ensuring that the only means of access to the database is through the proper channel and also by carrying out authorization checks whenever access to sensitive data is attempted.

20.What do you understand by Data Inconsistency?

Data inconsistency exists when different and conflicting versions of the same data appear in different places. Data inconsistency creates unreliable information, because it will be difficult to determine which version of the information is correct. 

Data inconsistency is likely to occur when there is data redundancy. Data redundancy occurs when the data file/database file contains redundant - unnecessarily duplicated - data. That's why one major goal of good database design is to eliminate data redundancy.

21.Explain the needs for a Database .

Each application that requires files for processing maintains a separate copy of the files.this leads to data redundancy.

Extensive programming is required .That is ,separate programs or modules have to be written for  different operations to be performed on various files.

Making changes in a file implies changes in the application program,which is a difficult and  time  consuming task.In other words ,application programs are depended on the data.

A system get more complex managing files gets more difficult

The security features are difficult to handle.

22.What are the features of a DBMS ?

The DBMS includes various features that overcome the short comings of traditional file system and make DBMS a powerful  tool to design and create database.These features are listed :

Easy to learn : Most of the database management systems are easy to learn and use.No specialised training is required to work on a DBMS.

Reduce data redundancy : Most of the database  management system are designed to reduce data redundancy.Redundancy implies duplication of the same data in different files.

Reduce data inconsistency : Most of the database management system are designed to avoid data inconsistency which is a result of data redundancy.

Facilitated data sharing : Most of the database management system allow sharing of data among multiple users and applications.For this,the data is created or stored in one repository and can be made available to different users according to their requirements.

Enforces data standards : Most database management systems ensure that the data stored is in a standard format.Standardizing helps in sharing data among different users.

Password protected : Most of the database management  system allow  users to provide a password to their database which provides security to the data from unauthorised access.

Extensive help : Most of the database management systems include an extensive built-in-help feature.This feature can be used whenever a user faces some problems while using any database management application.

23.What is a database models? Describe each models :

The database model describes the way in which the database is structured in the database management system.The objectives of database model is to organise the data logically and physically.

The various database models are :

Hierarchical model : In this model ,the data is arranged in a hierarchical structure which describe the relationship of the record of the table in a 'tree -like' or 'parent -child' structure.In this model ,the records are represented  as nodes.They are linked with other superior records on which they are dependent and also on the records which are depended on them.


Network model : In this model,the data is represented by establishing a relationship between the records.This model is an improvement over the hierarchical database model.The records in this model can be linked with many records.



Relational model :In this model ,the data is organised in the form of rows and columns to from a table and the table can be related to each other for sharing the data.The relational model is the most powerful database models since its design is easier as  compared  to other database models.                                                                                          

24.Explain the Features of MS-Access

MS- Access offers following features to let you manage your data :

(ii) Queries          

(iii) Forms          

(iv) Reports      

(v) Data Access Pages 

(vi) Macro 

(vi) Module 


A table refers to a storage container storing data pertaining to single object,subject  or purpose.

Components of a table

Byte. A byte is a group of eight bits and is used to store a character.
Data Item (Field).  A data item is the smallest unit of named  data.  It may consist of any number of bits or bytes.  A data item represents one type of information and is often referred to as a field or data element.
Record. A record is a named collection of data items which represents a complete unit of information.
Table. A table is a named collection of all occurrences of a given type of logical record.
ii. Queries

To find and retrieve just the data that meets conditions that you specify, including data from multiple tables, you may create a query.  A query can also update or delete multiple records at the same time and perform predefined or custom calculations on your data.
A Query is a statement that gives you filtered data according to your conditions and specifications.
To easily view, enter, and change data directly in a table, you can create a form.  When you open a form, MS-Access retrieves the data from one or more tables, and displays it on the screen with the layout specified by you.
A Form is an interface in user specified layout that lets users view, enter, change data directly in the table.
A Report is an effective way to present data in a printed format.  It is a formal, presentable printed document that lists data in a formatted manner.
v.Data Access Pages

To make data available on the Internet or Internet for interactive reporting, data entry, or data analysis, you may use a data access page. MS- Access retrieves the data from one or more tables and displays it on the screen with the layout you choose in the page wizard, or a layout that you create from scratch.
vi. Macro
It describes a sequence of action that are used to perform specific operation.
Vii. Module
It describes certain programming codes to perform those operations which are not easily handled by macros.

25. How to start MS Access ?

Click Start →  All Programs   ,then click Microsoft Access.
26.Describe the Access Application Window :

The main window of the Access program consist of parts like title bar,toolbar,Status bar etc.
Title bar
The title bar is located at the top of the Access application window and display Microsoft Access adjacent to the Access icon on the left hand side.The right hand side of the title bar includes the Minimize,Maximize/Restore and Close buttons.
Menu bar
The menu bar is placed directly below the title bar and displays different menus.The various menus in Microsoft Access are File,Edit ,View,Insert,Tools,Window and Help.
The toolbars are located below the menu bar.Toolbars  contain commands that give a single-click entry to the powerful Microsoft Access features.
Status bar
The Status bar is located at the bottom of the Access application window which displays information about a selected command or an operation in progress.

27. How to create a database using Blank Access database ?

Blank Access Database is used to create  a database,which includes no preset design or any content suggestion.To create a new database using Blank Access Database ,follow these steps :
            In the Microsoft Access dialog box,click Blank Access database and then click OK.
            Click New on the Database toolbar or click the File menu and then click New.This displays the New dialog box with General as the active tab.Click Database and then click OK.
The File New Database dialog box is displayed.
                            Enter the name of the database in the File name box and select the location in the Save in drop down box.
                            Click Create.This displays  the Database window as a sub  window within the Microsoft Access Application window.
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