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1. is a _________

extends in both the direction.
Therefore   is a straight line.

2. What are the points on the straight line .

The points on the straight line are A and B.

3. Define parallel lines. Give one example.

Lines which do not intersect at any point are called parallel lines.

Example: Railway track. The tracks do not meet each other.

4. Define collinear points.

Three or more points which lie on the same straight line are called collinear points.
In figure, A, x, y, B are collinear points.

5. Define concurrent lines.

Three or more lines passing through a point are called concurrent lines.


Here  and  are concurrent lines, since they pass through a point, 0.

6. From the given figure list out

a. Intersecting lines
b. Parallel lines
c. Collinear points.


c. A, X,W, H are the collinear points on

    B, Y, Z, G are the collinear points on
    Q, X, Y, X are the collinear points on
    P, W, Z, D are the collinear points on

7.    Fill in the blanks.
1.    Collinear points are points that lie on the ________
2.    3 points lying on the same straight line are called _______
3.    _______ lines can be drawn passing through one point.
4.    Through the two given points ______ line can be drawn.

1.    Straight line
2.    Collinear points
3.    Many
4.    Only one

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