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  • Maps have great importance in the modern era.
  • Various types of maps are used in different fields.
  • Map-making has reached the present stage after passing through various stages of development. The history of map making is as old as civilization.
  • Title, scale, direction, latitudes and longitudes, conventional signs and symbols and index are the essential elements of a map.

Fill In the Blanks

1. Imaginary circles drawn parallel to the Equator are called _______.

Ans: Latitudes

2. A Place on maps and globe is located on the basis of ______ and ______.

Ans: latitudes, longitudes

3. ________ Map shows natural flora:

Ans:  Vegetation Map

4. The science of map making is called ________.

Ans: Cartography

5. ________ represents the colours and signs on a map.

Ans: Index

6. _______ maps give importance to countries, states, state capitals, other important places and boundaries.

Ans: Political

7. _______ maps give importance to geographical features like mountains, rivers, backwaters etc.

Ans: Physical

8. ________Prepared the first Atlas.

Ans: Abraham Ortelius

State Whether True or False

1. Maps are an important tool for understanding and navigating the world around us.

Ans: True

2. The first contribution to the science of cartography were the Ancient Greeks.

Ans: True

3. Plans are prepared based on exact measurements, location details, scales and direction.

Ans: False

4. Maps were at first printed using carved wooden blocks.

Ans: True

5. Magellan developed a cylindrical projection that is still widely used for navigation charts and global maps.

Ans: False

Question And Answer

1. Who prepare the first map?

Ans:  Anximander

2. Who prepared the first Atlas ?

Ans: Abraham Ortelius

3. Which is the science of map making ?

Ans: Cartography

4. The instrument used to find out directions ?

Ans: Magnetic Compass

5. Match the following

The oldest map Equator
Father of modern Cartography North Pole
One who prepares maps South Pole
0o latitude Mesopotamian map
90o South latitude Mercator
90o North latitude Cartographer


The oldest map Mesopotamian map  
Father of modern Cartography Mercator
One who prepares maps Cartographer 
0o latitude Equator
90o South latitude South Pole
90o North latitude North Pole

6. What is map?

True representation of the features of earth's surface on a two dimensional plain is called map. 

7. Identify the fields where maps are used.

  • Learning Geography
  • Defence
  • Tourism
  • Administration
  • Transport

8. Write a note on the history of maps.

It is believed  that the history of maps are as old as human civilization.  The Mesopotamian plates prepared on baked clay plates about 5000 years ago, are considered the oldest maps.  On these plates, there were specific lines and symbols that help to depict the peculiarities of even small places.  Maps were prepared on leather and bronze plates during the period of the Greek philosopher Anaximander, who is believed to have prepared the first map.

9. Essential elements of maps.


Essential Elements of Map








Latitude and Longitude


Conventional symbols and colours



10. Difference between a Sketch and Plan

Sketches are drawings, having limited information about a place, drawn from one's own memory or by observation of that place. It has no exact measurement and direction. But plans are prepared based on exact measurements, location details, scales and direction.

11. Clarify the terms Latitudes and Longitudes.

Imaginary circles drawn parallel to the Equator are called latitudes.

Imaginary semicircle that join North and South poles are called longitudes.

12. What are the uses of maps?

The uses of maps are as follows.

  • To specify the location of places
  • To indicate the size, shape, distance and direction of geographical features.
  • To represent height and slope.
  • To represent the distribution of resources.
  • To indicate natural as well as man-made features on the surface on the earth.

13. What is the purpose of indicating directions on a map? How can the position of places be identified by observing a map? 

Direction is another major element of a map. North, South, East and West are the four directions. Magnetic compass is an instrument to find out directions. These can be divided into four such divisions as North-East, South-East, South-West and North-West.

14. What is Political Maps?

Political maps give importance to countries, states, states capitals, other important places and boundaries.

15. What is Physical Maps?

Physical maps give importance to geographical features like mountains, rivers, backwaters etc.

16. What do you mean by Cartography?

Cartography is the science of map making. One who prepares maps is known as Cartographer.

The term 'cartography' was derived from the French words 'Carte' and 'Graphic'. 'Carte means drawing.

17. Prepare a note of the essential elements of a map.

Title : Title indicate the area depicted and the content of the map. It is usually given at the top of the map.

Scale : Scale is the relative distance, used to represent the distance between two places on the earth. Through this, large areas can be drawn on a paper with accuracy.

Scale can be depicted in three ways

Statement method : Example, 1 cm to 10 km

Representative Fraction method : Example, 1 : 10, 00, 000

Graphical Scale : Example

Direction : Direction is another major element of a map. North, South, East and West are the four directions.

Magnetic compass is an instrument to find out directions. These directions can be divided into four sub divisions as North- East, South- East, South-West and North-West.

Directions  Magnetic Compass

Litude and Longitude :

Imaginary circles drawn parallel to the Equator are called latitude. They are drawn horizontally across the global and maps. They are shown in degrees. The horizontal line drawn exactly at the centre of the globe is the eqator. It is 0o latitude. Latitude are marked North and South of the equator up to 90o. 90o North latitude is known as the North pole and 90o south latitude is known as South pole.

Imaginary semicircle  that join North and south poles are called longtitude. They are drawn perpendicular latitudes on the globe. These lines connect the North and South poles. 0o longitude is known as the Greenwitch. The line seen opposite to it is called the International Date Line. This is 180o longitude. Based on these two lines the earth is divided into two hemispheres. The one on the estern side of the Greenwich on the globe is known as estern hemisphere and the other as western hemisphere.

Index : Index is the key to map reading. It represents the colours and sign on a map. Characteristics of a map is understood using the index.

Conventional sign and symbols : Features on the Earth's surface like mountain, plateaus, plains, water bodies, routes, settlements, agriculture lands deserts etc are depicted on maps using internationally accepted colours, signs and symbols.

Conventional sign and symbols

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