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1. Ramesh bought a house for Rs. 2,75,000. He spent Rs. 25,000 on its repairs. Then the sold it for Rs. 3, 50, 000. Find his gain per cent.

C.P of the house = Rs. 2,75000

repairing cost = Rs. 25,000

Total C.P = Rs. 30,0000

S.P of the house = Rs. 3, 50, 000

Gain = Rs. 3, 50, 000 - Rs. 3, 00 , 000 = Rs. 50, 000

Gain % = Gain/C.P × 100

             = 50,000/3,00,000 × 100

             = 50/3 - 16 2/3 %

2. A man buys a T.V. for Rs. 6800. For how much should he sell it so as to (i) gain 10% , (ii) lose 5% on it?

C.P of the TV = Rs. 6800

Gain = 10%

3. By selling a radio for Rs. 528, Mohit gains 10%. Find his cost price.

S.P of a radio = Rs. 528

Gain = 10%

4. A watch sold for Rs. 448 gives a profit of only 12%. Find the profit % if the selling price had been Rs. 512.

S.P of a watch = Rs. 448

Profit = 12%

5. Prem sold a transistor to Sudhir at a gain of 10% and Sudhir sold it to Hari at a gain of 15%. Prem had bought it for Rs. 500, What did it cost to Hari?

Gain % of Prem = 10%

C.P of Prem = Rs. 500

6. Find the S.P. when M.P = Rs. 1500 and discount = 12%.

M.P = Rs. 1500

Discount = 12%

7. Find the discount and the amount actually paid if:

(a) A shirt having a price tag of Rs. 600 is sold at 15% discount.

(b) A vacuum cleaner with a marked price of Rs. 6000 is sold at a discount of 5% on immediate cash payment.

(a) M.P = Rs. 600

Discount % = 15%

Discount = M.P × 15/100

               = 600 × 15/100 = Rs. 90

Amount actually paid = M.P - Discount

                                  = Rs. 600 - Rs. 90 = Rs. 510

(b) M.P of the vacuum cleaner = Rs. 6000

Discount % = 5%

Discount = 6000 × 5/100 = Rs. 300

Amount actually paid = Rs. 6000 - Rs. 300 = Rs. 5700

8. Find the rate of discount when:

(i) M.P = Rs. 300 and S.P = Rs. 240

(ii) M.P = Rs. 2800 and S.P = Rs. 2100

(i) M.P = Rs. 300

S.P = Rs. 240

9. Find the M.P when :

(i) S.P = Rs. 1900 and discount = 5%

(ii) S.P = Rs. 4200 and discount = 16%

10. A shopkeeper marks his goods 30% above the cost price and gives a discount of 15% on the marked price. What gain % does he make?

Let C.P be Rs. 100;

Then M.P = Rs. 130

Discount = 15%

S.P = 85% of Rs. 130

       = 85/100 × 130

       = Rs. 110.5

Gain = 110.5 - 100

         = Rs. 10.5 on Rs. 100

Gain % = 10.5 %

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