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1. Give the meaning of Morale?
           Morale is the mental condition or attitude of individuals and groups which determines their willingness to cooperate and work in an organization.

2. Give the definition of Morale?
           According to Theo Haimann , morale is " the state of mind and emotions , affecting the attitude and willingness to work , which in turn affects individual and organizational objectives".

          According to Mooney, "morale is the sum total of several psychic qualities which include courage, fortitude, resolution and above all, confidence."

3. What is Morale according to Psychological concept?
             Basically morale is a psychological concept or mental phenomena which includes several psychic policies like courage, fortitude, resolution and confidence.

4. What is Morale under Relative concept?
             It is a relative concept in nature as it does not indicates the existence of good or bad state. There is no absolute state of morale. It is a neutral concept and can be described as high morale or low morale.

5. What is Morale under Group Phenomenon?
             Morale is a group phenomena consisting of pattern of attitudes pull together persistently and consistently in the pursuance of common purpose. It is a by - product of group relationships.

6. What are the factors influencing Morale of Employees?
              Morale of employees is a very complex phenomenon and is influenced by various factors. Some of them are.
                   1. Nature of Work
                   2. Working Conditions
                   3. Supervision
                   4. Organizational efficiency
                   5. Interpersonal relations
                   6. Personal factors

7. What are the two types of morale?
             Morale is generally referred to as High morale and Low morale. According to Mc Farland , " high morale exists when employees attitudes are favourable to the total situation of a group and to the attainment of its objectives. Low morale exists when attitudes inhibit the willingness and ability of an organization attain its objectives".

8. Give any two features of morale?
             1. Psychological Concept : Basically morale is a Psychological concept or mental phenomena which includes several Psychic policies like courage, attitude, resolution and confidence.
            2. Relative Concept : It is a relative concept in nature as it does not indicate the existence of good or bad state. There is no absolute state of morale. It is a neutral concept and can be described as high morale or low morale.

9. Give two basic importance of morale?
            Morale is considered as the key to workers performance , so it is obvious that morale has an important role to play. The importance of high morale can be realizes from the following.
            1. Creation of good work environment : Good work environment can be easily created through the building up of cordial relations among the employees spontaneous co - operation helps to achieve the organization goals and reflects good mental health of the employees.
           2. Key to higher productivity : A sense of willingness to work and enthusiasm among employees can be achieved through creation of morale. It helps to keep the human machinery running and results in higher productivity.

10. Explain the observation methods of measurement or evaluation of morale?
               By this method the executives observes the behaviour of their employees in their everyday life such as listen to their talks, note their work habits etc. Any departure or deviations from the normal is likely to tell that something is wrong and needs to be set right.

11. Explain the Moral Survey method of measurement or evaluation of morale?
               This method is generally used to understand the feeling of employees about their job , their superiors , the organizational policies etc. It is generally classified into two categories , the interview method and the questionnaire method. While in the former, the employees are interviewed so that the judgement may arise about their attitude, in the latter questionnaire is used to collect employee opinion and analysis of his opinion is done to determine the morale.

12. What do you mean by High morale?
              High morale is represented by the use of such term as team spirit, enthusiasm, loyalty, dependability, resistance to frustration etc. It has tremendous importance or significance for the efficient functioning of the management.

13. What are the indicators of High morale?
              Some of the indicators of high morale are
              1. A high degree of employees interest in the organization and his job.
              2. Employees sense of loyalty to the organization.
              3. Voluntary compliance with rules, regulations and orders.
              4. A sense of fellow feeling and oneness with the organization.
              5. Taking initiative in works.
              6. Confidence in the members of the group and in leadership.

14. What do you mean by Low Morale?
               Low morale is represented by the use of such phrases like apathy, pessimism, jealousy, disobedience, disloyalty, disliking, lack of interest in the organization etc. Low morale generates an attitude of non - involvement and non - cooperation which is harmful to the smooth running of the organization.

15. What are the indicators of low morale?
              Some of the indicators of low morale are:
             1. High rate of absenteeism and labour turnover.
             2. Excessive compliance and grievances of employees.
             3. Increased wastage and spoilage of materials.
             4. Increased rate of accidents.
             5. Antagonism towards the organization.
             6. Deterioration in the quality and quantity of production.

16. How is Morale different from Motivation?
              Motivation and morale are different concepts. The basic differences between them are as follows.
                1. Motivation refers to a state of individual responding to a stimuli but morale refers to an individual state of Psychological health, level of satisfaction and self confidence which he gets out of his job satisfaction.
                2. An individual's performance and overall behavior is  the result of motivation. Morale represents the total of several interacting forces of job environment and their impact.

17. What is Team Work?
              A team is a group in which individuals share common goals and willingly cooperate with each other to achieve them. Team work is essential for the success of an organization. It is very important as it helps the organization as well as the people working in the organization.

18. Give the importance of Team work?
               The importance of team work is as under.
                1. Maintaining and improving  standards of product.
                2. Higher morale and motivation of staff.
                3. Providing of job satisfaction and loyalty.
                4. Low rates of absenteeism and labour turnover.

19. Explain what is Human relation Approach?
               Human relation approach helps to develop interpersonal competence, inter group cooperation and mutual trust among employees. The morale of the leader has a multiplier effect on the subordinates as more of it is contagious and the attitude of the leader influences the attitude of the subordinates. Moreover, use of constructive informal goods helps to maintain high morale.

20. What do you mean by job enrichment?
               This involves a greater use of the factors which are intended to motivate the workers rather than to ensure his continuing satisfaction with the job he performs. It will helps to raise morale by overcoming monotony, fatigue and boredom.

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