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1. Write about proliferation of caste during Gupta dynasty ?
Gupta society shows that it experienced social tension caused by caste proliferation. Specialization of labor in the rural economy led to the proliferation of sub-castes in the villages. This caste association adversely affected political loyalties.
2. Write a brief note on education during Gupta period ?
Education was closely linked with caste system. Brahmins modified education system. Sanskrit was the medium of instruction. The non-Brahmins continued the old practice of training in the guilds or in their professional centres.
3. Write about marriage system during Gupta rule?
Girls were married at an early age. Anuloma marriage between a man of higher caste and lady of lower caste was permitted. But Prathiloma marriage was forbidden. Gandharva system also prevailed. The four forms of accepted marriages were Brahma, Prajapatya, Arsha and Daiva.
4. What was the condition of women during Gupta period?
Condition of women did not improve in the Gupta period. Vedic Education was denied to women. Polygamy prevailed but women were not to contract a second marriage. 'Sati' system existed.
5. Write about slavery during Gupta period ?
Slavery existed in the Gupta society. 'Vishti' meaning unpaid labour continued. A free man marrying a slave stood to loose his freedom. But a female slave bearing a child to her master was released from slavery.
6. Write about the economic conditions that prevailed during Gupta reign ?
Agriculture was the chief occupation of the people. During this time landlordism became powerful because Gupta rulers issued land grants to Buddhist and Jain Viharas, Brahmins and individuals.
7. How was the irrigation facilities during Gupta period ?
There existed a good system of irrigation. As land was not liberally watered by rainfall, irrigation canals were built both from rivers and tanks.
8. Write about the industries during Gupta period ?
Various industries flourished in the Gupta period. Mining and metallurgy achieved special importance. Mehrauli iron pillar is the standing monument of the technical perfection attained by the people.
9. How was the trade and commerce during Gupta period ?
Trade flourished with Egypt, Persia, China etc. The main items of export were clothes, indigo, ivory articles, silk and wool. Gold, Silver, Copper etc. were imported.
10.Write about internal trade during Gupta period ?
Two types of traders, the 'Sresti' and 'Sarthavaha' dominated internal trade. A 'Sresti' was a wealthy person usually settled at a place and engaged in commercial activities. A Sarthavaha was a caravan trader who undertook long distance trade. Internal trade was confined to articles of everyday use and few luxuries like sandal wood, coral gold and copper.
11.What is a trade guild ?
Trade and industries were organised and regulated by trade guilds or corporations. Mobility of labour was not restricted and people could opt professions of their choice. Guilds had their own laws and regulations and often undertook executive measures.
12.Write about the currencies during Gupta dynasty ?
Gupta rulers did not issue many copper coins like the Kushans. The first standard gold coins were issued by Samudragupta. Chandragupta II was the first ruler to issue silver coins.
13. Write a short note on artistic activities during Gupta reign ?
Gupta sculpture, painting and architecture attained a high level of excellence. One notable development of Gupta art is liberation of art from Greek influence. Gupta art forms are noted for their simplicity and originality. A large number of Siva and Vishnu images were created in this period.The art of painting reached its zenith during this period. The best pieces of Gupta paintings are found in Ajanta, Ellora.The Gupta rulers were patrons of architecture and they built many temples, Viharas, Stupas and Pillars. The most important temples are the Dasavatara temple, Siva temple, Vishnu temple etc.
14. Write a brief note on the literature during Gupta period?
Gupta period witnessed spectacular progress in literature. Pali, Prakrit and Tamil became remarkable. The Navaratnas flourished in the court of Chandragupta Vikramiditya. Kalidasa was the most brilliant literacy luminary of the age. He authored Abhijnana Sakuntalam, Malavikagnimitram and Vikramorvasiyam. Visakhadatta, Bharari Shudraka, Bhatti, Dandin etc also lived during this period. Aryabhatta, Varahamihira and Dhanvantari also contributed to the growth of literature.
15. Explain the religious and philosophical ideologies during Gupta reign ?
The period has been called the age of Hindu revivalism. Vishanvism gained popularity. Many temples were built and Vedic scriptures were interpreted and 'avatara' doctrine was highlighted. 'Saivism' also became popular and Lord Siva was worshipped in different forms. 'Shakti' cult also made progress during this period. Shakti was worshipped under names such as Bhavani and Bhagavati.