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  • We all live in a family.
  • A human baby develops in mother's womb for about nine months.
  • Like human beings, animals also give birth to their young ones.
  • Sometimes people adopt a child into their families.
  • Parents who adopt a child are called foster parents.
  • A family provides love, warmth and support to its family members.
  • Some of our family members do not live with us.
  • When we meet them on weddings and festivals we have lots of fun.
  • When our parents were young they lived their families.

Answer the following questions :

1. How do animals reproduce ?
Animals reproduce by giving birth to young ones.

2. Where does the human body come from ?
Human body comes from the mother's womb.

3. What is adoption ?
Adoption is a process in law by which people takes as their own child, who is not born to them naturally. These parents are called foster parents.

4. Why are families becoming smaller nowadays ?
Families are becoming smaller because as the time changed, more and more people are taking up jobs in different cities and have to live there.

5. What are the values a child learns in a family ?

  • To obey and respect elders.
  • To talk politely and behave courteously with others.
  • To always speak the truth.
  • Not to fight or quarrel with others.
  • Not to snatch or steal things from others.
  • Not to damage my books and belongings.
  • To help people who are needy.
  • Never laugh or mock at anybody.
  • To keep myself and my surroundings clean.
  • To be kind to plants and animals.

Fill in the blanks :

1. People who live together and are related to each other belong to a ----------------------- .
extended family.

2. Only parents and children live in a ---------------------- family.

3. A child develops inside the ---------------------- of the mother.

4. Animals that give birth to babies and feed them on their milk are called ----------------- .

5. Parents who adopt a child are called ------------ parents.

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