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Tux Math

Tux Math is a game to earn points by filling the answers of Mathematical expressions quickly

To Open Tux Math

Application -----> Games ----> Tux Math

Click at the 'PLAY' tab in the window.


Mathwar is an interesting game that enable us to solve arithmetic problems.The war is between the computer and the user.

To open Mathwar

Application -----> Games -----> Mathwar

When the window of Mathwar opens, click File ----> New Game .

Answer to the problem appear in the window can be given through keyboard.

Computer will display the answer after the time limit expires.Click the button 'Yes' if the answer displayed is correct or click 'No' if the answer is not correct .

Tux type

Tux Type  is a game used to type english letters and words.

To open Tuxtype

Application -----> Education----> Tuxtype

Select the desired game from among those available in the window,like Alphabets,Short words,Long words,Finger Exercise and so on.

Select different difficult levels such as Easy,Medium and Hard.


This game is to measure the accuracy of your English typing and its speed.

To open KTouch

Application ----> Education ----> KTouch.

The sentence that displayed at the top of the window is to be typed.

K Hangman

K Hangman is the classical hangman game.The child should guess a word letter by letter.For each miss, the picture of a hangman appears.

To open KHangman

Application ----> Games ----> KHangman

Find out the word,by filling the blank,display on the screen.

Type the missing letters in the blanks and press enter key.


The sun clock is a clock that shows which porting of the Earth's surface is illuminated by the sun. This will help us to know whether there is night or not in other countries of the world while it is day time in the country.

To open Sunclock

Application -----> Games ----> Sunclock

The lighter parts in the sun clock window indicate day.The darker portion in the sun clock window indicate night.

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