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    Kinds of Plants

We see different types of plants around us. They are of many sizes, shapes and colours. Some plants grow on land while some grow in water. Some grow in cold places while others grow in hot places.

The various types of plants around us are:


  Very big, tall and strong plants are called trees. They have a thick, brown and woody stem called trunk. They have many branches that bear leaves, flowers and fruits. They have thick and strong roots. Trees live for many years.

Banyan tree Mango tree Coconut tree Neem tree


  Shrubs are smaller than trees. They have many thin, brown and woody stems. They are also called bushes. Most shrubs live only for a few years.

Hibiscus Rose Jasmine


  Herbs are very small and weak plants. They have thin, green and soft stems. They live only for three to four months.

Coriander Mint Tulsi


  Climbers are plants with weak stems. They cannot stand straight. They climb on other plants, sticks or walls to grow.

Grape vine Money plant Pea plant


   Creepers are weak plants that mostly grow along the ground. They have weak stems and thin branches. They usually bear big fruits.

Bottle gourd


Water Plants

   Some plants grow in water. They are called water plants.


                    Lotus                   water hyacinth

Choose the correct answer from the brackets and fill in the blanks.

a) The part of the plant above the soil is the _____________ (root / stem).


b) The stem holds the flowers, _____________ (soil / branches), leaves, and fruits.


c) Seeds are found inside most _____________ (fruits / leaves).


d) _____________ (Leaves / Flowers) attract bees and butterflies.


Match the following.


 State whether true or false.

1. Wood is obtained from the trunk and branches of big trees.

2. We get jute fibre from cotton plants.  

3. Creepers are weak plants that mostly grow along the ground.

4.  The part of the plant above the soil is called the root.


1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False

Answer the following questions in a few words.

a) Give any two examples of trees.

      Mango tree, Coconut tree.

b) Name any two herbs.

      Coriander and Mint.

c) Name any two shrubs.

      Rose and Hibiscus.

d) Give any two examples of creepers.

      Pumpkin and Bottle Gourd

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