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1. How do plants provide us food ?

Plants provide us food in different forms. Different parts of plants are eaten as food. We eat roots of plants like raddish and carrot, stems of sugarcane, potato and onion and leaves of spinach and methi. Fruits of banana, mango and apple are takenas food. Even seeds of wheat and rice are eaten as food grains.

2. What is the role of spices ?

Spices help to make the food more tasty and give them a special smell. Some spices work wonders as medicines.

3. How do we get food from animals ?

We eat the flesh of animals like chicken, fish and goat. We also eat eggs of hens and ducks. We get milk from animals like cow, buffalo and goat. Milk products like cheese, ghee and butter also form important foods. We get honey from the honey- bee.

4. How is food divided into three types depending on their usefulness to us ?

The food we eat can be divided into three types depending on their usefulness to us as foods that give us energy, foods that help in building our body, and foods that help to keep us healthy or protect us from diseases.

5. Why do we need energy? How can we gain energy ?

Energy is required to do all our day to day activities like walking, running, climbing, cycling etc. This energy is provided by substances called carbohydrates that we get from foods like potatoes, banana, sugar and cereals. Foods like ghee, oil, butter and nuts contain substances called fats which also gives us energy.

6. Why do we need protein? Also mention some protein rich foods.

Proteins help to build and repair our body. We get our proteins from pulses, meat, fish, chicken, milk, etc.

7. Why is it necessary to have foods rich in vitamins and minerals ?

Foods which give us all the vitamins and minerals required by the body help in keeping us healthy and free from disease. Foods that fall in this category are green leafy vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, etc.

8. What is the purpose of water ?

Water is very important for the well being of our body. It helps in the different chemical activities that take place inside our body. It also helps in keeping the body clean by flushing out waste material as urine. It also controls our body temperature.

9. Water controls our body temperature. How?

When water is lost form our body as sweat, it cools our body. Thus water also controls our body temperature.

10. How can we avoid the wastage of food and water?

We should eat only as much as we need. We should not leave uneaten food in our plates. The amount of food which we throw, might provide a complete meal for many. We must also store food properly so that they do not get spoiled.

11. Where do we keep cooked food and liquid foods? Why ?

We should keep all cooked foods and liquid foods in cool places like refrigerators. Low temperatures do not allow germs to spoil food easily. Fish frozen in ice can stay unspoiled for a very long time.

12. Explain with example about food stored in different mediums.

Food can also be stored in different mediums that do not allow germs to grow in them. For example, jam is preserved in sugar syrups, pickles are stored in oils, cut onions are kept in vinegar and fish are salted to keep them eatable for a long time.

13. Is it necessary to drink purified water ? If so, how can we purify water ?

Water should be taken after proper purification. We can boil water to kill germs so as to avoid getting any water borne diseases. Thus, by boiling we can purify water.

14. Mention any three rules for healthy eating.

We must  wash our hands before and after meals. We should not keep talking while eating. We should eat food at a fixed hour everyday.

15. What is a balanced diet ?

We must eat food in the right quantities so that our body gets all types of foods that give us energy, build our body and keep us free from diseases. Such a diet containing all types of food in the right quantity is called a balanced diet.

16. Mention any two ways for safety and storage of foods.

We should keep our food covered in airtight containers. Food can also be boiled before eating to kill any germs that might be present in it.

17. Name the main sources of food that are obtained from animals.

Meat, egg and milk are the main sources of food that are obtained from animals.

18. Mention the sources of food. Also mention the different foods obtained from plants.

Plants and animals are the two sources of food. Most of our food like cereals, vegetables, pulses, fruits and beverages are obtained from plants.

19. Mention how carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals help our body ?

Carbohydrates and fats give us energy. Proteins help the body to grow and is important for growing children. Vitamins and minerals protect  the body from diseases and keep it healthy.

20. Name some foods which are rich in fat.

Foods like ghee, oil, butter and nuts like walnut, groundnut and almonds contain substances called fats which gives us energy.

21. Give some examples for pulses and spices.

Dal, rajma, beans and peas are pulses. Turmeric, cumin seeds, aniseed and coriander etc. are spices.

22. Name some animal products.

Chicken, fish, meat, butter, egg, ghee, milk and honey are some animal products.

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