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1. How did the early man start farming?

The early man noticed that seeds that fell on the ground grew into new plants. So the early man tries to growing food grains. That’s how farming began.

2. What are the things that the early man used to make the soil soft?

The stones and bones are used the early man make the soil soft.

3. How the dogs helped the early man?

The dogs helped the early man for hunting.

4. Name the animals that gave milk and meat for early man.

The cows, buffaloes, sheep, pigs and goats provided milk and meat for early man.

5. Which animals helped the early man for carry heavy loads?

The horses, donkeys, and bullocks are helps the early man for carrying heavy loads.

6. Where did the early man settle down? Why?

The early man had farms and domestic animals to take care of. So he decided to settle down near the farms.

7. Which is the first boat that the early man discovered?

The first boat that the early man discovered was a hollow tree trunk.

8. What is sledge?

The early man made a cart without wheels. It is known as sledge.

9. What metal use the early man to make strong tools?

The early man uses the iron to make strong tools.

10. What is ploughing?

To break and turn the soil with a plough is known as ploughing.

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