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1. What are birds?

Birds are unique members of animal kingdom.Birds have eyes on each side of their head.They have very good eyesight and they use their keen eyesight to find food.They use their beak and claws to catch the prey. While some birds eat insects and worms some others eat, fruits, grains and the nectar of flowers.

2. Why do birds make nest?

Birds make nest to lay eggs and to protect their young ones. 

3. What are nests made out of?

It depends on the breed of the bird. Bird nests are commonly made out of twigs, grass, reeds and other natural foliage.

4. What are Migratory birds?

During winter season some birds move to warmer places in search of food and shelter. Such birds are called Migratory birds. Some birds  also fly off to warmer places  for breeding also, to escape from severe cold temperatures.

5. How do feathers help the birds?

Feathers cover the birds body to keep them warm and to fly.

6. How many types of feathers do the birds have?

Birds have two types of feathers.

(i) Down feathers

(ii) Flight feathers

(i) Down feathers: Down feathers which are small and  help to keep the body warm.

(ii) Flight feathers: Flight feathers are long and sturdy attached to its wings, and tail bone which help them to fly. 

7. Which part of a birds help them to fly?

The wings help the bird to fly.  Birds move their wings up and down while flying. A bird’s body is shaped like a boat, so it is able to slide through the air easily. They can change direction while flying with the help of their tails.

8. Do birds sleep, and how?

Yes, birds sleep. Most songbirds find a secluded branch or a tree cavity, fluff out their down feathers beneath their outer feathers, turn their head to face backward and tuck their beak into their back feathers and close their eyes.

9. What is ornithology?

Ornithology is the study of birds.In Ornithology,Ornithologists study every aspect of bird life like how birds live in their environment,how the parts of birds work together to make a bird, how birds find food,how birds digest food.Some ornithologists research changes in populations of birds across whole continents;while others study changes in blood cells in an individual bird.

10. What is known as preening?

Birds regularly clean,oil and reshape their feathers using their beaks.This is known as preening.

11. How do birds eat food?

Birds do not have teeth.They have tongue. Birds eat with the help of beak.Birds have different types of beaks.Some birds have short,hard and hooked beak to crack open seeds and some have large sharp and hooked beaks to tear the flesh of their prey. Some birds have flat and broad beaks and pointed beaks.

5.Match the following       


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