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1. How we can bisect a line segment ?
   Step 1: Draw a line AB of any length
   Step 2: With A and B as centres,and radius more than half of AB ,cut off areas above and below AB using a pair of compasses .Name the points of intersection of the arcs as M and N respectively.
   Step 3: Join M and N
               Now MN is the perpendicular bisector of the given line segment AB.



2. How we can bisecting an angle:
      Step 1: Draw an EFG .If any measure ,say 500 using a protractor.
      Step 2: With a convenient radius ,keeping F as centre draw two arcs such that they intersect at P and Q respectively .
      Step 3: With the same radius and with P and Q as centres,draw two arcs in the interior of the angle such that they intersect each other at K.
      Step 4: Join F to K by a line segment and produce it to D .Now is the bisector of EFG.

3. How we can construct a line parallel to a given line.
      Given a line l and a point p outside l .To construct a line m passing through p parallel to the given line l .
      Step 1 :-Take any point A on the given line l and join P to A
      Step 2: With A as centre,draw an arc ti intersect AP at E and line l at F.with P as centre and with the same radius ,draw an arc to intersect AP at C.
      Step 3:- With C as centre and radius equal to EF ,draw an arc to cut this arc at D.Join D to P. Produce DP on either sides. Now DP or M is parallel to l.





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