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1. What are living things ? Give examples.

Living things are things that are alive. Living things can breathe and it can move from one place to another.

Example : Plants and animals

2. What are non-living things? Give examples.

Non-living things are things which do not have life. They cannot eat, breathe or feel.

Example : Table and chair

3. Write five differences between living things and non-living things.

       Living Things                     Non-Living things
1. Living things eat food.                    1. Non-living things does not require food.
2. Living things grow. 2. Non-living things cannot grow.
3. Living things can move from one place to another. 3. Non-living things does not move from one place to another.
4. Living things have young ones. 4. Non-living things does not produce young ones.
5. Living things breathe. 5. Non-living things cannot breathe.

4. What are the two groups of non-living things?

Non-living things are things which do not have life. Non-living things are divided into two groups. They are natural and man made things.

5. What are natural non-living things? Give examples.

Natural non-living things are things that occur naturally. 

Example : Sun, Moon, Mountain 

6. What are man made non-living things? Give examples.

Things that are made by people are called man-made things.

Example : Book, toy

7. A car moves on the road, but it is not a living thing. Explain.

A car moves on the road, but it is not a living thing because it cannot move on its own. It needs a driver to start the engine and move it. So a car is a non-living thing.

8. Name two non-living things you find at home.  

     a) Television

     b) Computer

9. Name two non-living things that you find in your class room.

     a) Black board

     b) Table

10. What is called environment?

The air,water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live is the environment. Living and non-living things together form our environment. Environment is the complex set of physical, chemical and biological factors that surround and act upon a living organism. It refers to everything that is surrounding us.

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